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Lizzie POV

„Nora? Where are you?" I called out as I started to look around for her. As I was walking up the stairs I started to hear that the shower is on. I walked into our room and saw her clothes spread on the floor and bed.

I started to collect them so I'd be able to put them into the laundry basket. Before I wanted to go down to the basement where we always do the laundry I started to hear sobbing sounds mixed with the water that is falling down in the shower.

She probably doesn't know that I am up here.
But I stopped in my track and let the clothes fall down to the ground next to the door.
All I wanted to do was give her a hug letting her know that everything's gonna be fine and that she's home now.

So I pulled myself together and moved to the bathroom door to open it but it is locked.
I heard the water has been turned off and the sobs stopped.

„Nora? It's me. Can I come in?" I asked gently as I was leaned against the locked door. I heard her sniff her nose and some other noises before she spoke up.

„I haven't finished with my shower yet. I need that desperately right now." she answered with a slight crack lingering in her voice.

„Oh okay I get it. I just wanted to make sure you are fine." I replied as I leaned my head against the door to be as close to her as possible.

„I am fine liz. Thank you for asking. I don't need anything right now." she reassured me and I stepped back from the bathroom door.

„Okay, I'll leave you to it then." I told her and I heard the water starting to fall again.

I grabbed my dirty clothes and hers too and went down to put them into the laundry basket. I took some minutes to give Chestnut some attention too and after some time passed by I went back upstairs to go check on Nora again.

As I walked in I saw her sit there on the edge of the bed while facing the mirror that is standing a bit far on the wall she's facing. She didn't see me walk in since she zoned out completely. She sat there in her shower slippers with a towel wrapped around her. Her hair is wet and some water drops are glistening on her skin.

„Nora..." I placed my hand on her shoulder and she flinched making her pull away from me by grabbing my arm to twist it around my back.

„Whoa hey it's me Lizzie." she let go of me immediately as she noticed that I wasn't a threat in any type of way.

„Oh my god I am so so sorry. I was lost in thoughts a-and..." she replied hectic as she created a gap between us so she'd keep herself as far away from me as possible.

„It's okay dear, it's fine hey. You don't need to keep your distance." I reassured her as I was rubbing my shoulder.

„I hurt you didn't I? Oh god I-I didn't want to."
She paced up and down while she had an apologetic look up on her face.

„I am fine. Don't worry about it. It's okay. You've been through a lot. Here get take this." I grabbed an oversized shirt from the closet and handed it over to her so she can get dresser.

„Are Quinn and Chase in school?" she asked me as she took the shirt. I nod in reply.

„Nora how did you get all of these bruises?" I asked as she let the towel fall. She was just in her underwear and even though I've seen her body a countless times she was trying to cover it up.

„My father told you. I've been beaten up heavy. These chicks in prison are a different breed."
She repeated George's answer.

„But why? I know that you would never start a fight especially when you are in a situation like this." I asked as I scanned her body up and down.

Her face was covered in little to middle sized cuts. She was probably thrown through a window or some shit. Cause these cuts don't look like knife cuts. More like glass cuts.

She had three huge bruises around her abdomen and ribs. They have a deep color of purple mixed with blue and green. Two are more under her breasts right on her ribs and one is on the right bottom side of her hip spread out to her stomach.
It's insane how they beat her up. Looks like they've been kicking her heavy.

„I don't know. It happened so quick. I was surrounded all off a sudden and then all I could see was red and then I blacked out. I couldn't even hold myself up for that long to defend myself."

„And after that you've been released?" I asked having a weird feeling about it. Don't get me wrong I am more than thankful to have her here but something is not right about this situation.

„Yeah after I woke up they patched me up good. Gave me some medication that I need to take for some weeks. I also need to do a check up in a couple weeks. Then they released me and I thought I was being picked up by you. But then I saw my father step out of the car. He visited twice and he was rambling about some plan he had to get me out of prison."

„Wait. He visited you??" I asked shocked.

„Yeah, I was just as surprised as you are when I saw him. He really tried to „redeem" himself I don't know what to think and how to feel about it. But I guess he's trying." she replied as she slipped through the shirt.

„Okay and what did he talk about specific?"

„Liz dear, can we please... let this be for a while I just wanna forget for a while since I came home."
She huffed out while she was rubbing her eyes tiredly and I totally get where her exhaustion is coming from.

„Of course love. Let's go downstairs. I can make us some lunch and after that I'll pick up the kids."
I grabbed her hand and stroked my thumb to comfort her. She smiled back softly.

„Sure you don't need to go to work? I can pick them up too." she offered and I shook my head while we started to walk downstairs.

„No! Nonsense. You need to take every minute you can get to rest. Besides I still have some days off so it's not a big deal." I replied and she staid silent for a moment.

„Okay if you say so." she added after a bit and even if she would have said no I still wouldn't let her.

„Now. What does m'lady want for lunch?" I asked her as I put on the apron that was her birthday gift from Chase and Quinn.

Best cook and mom" surprise me how about that? Everything that you create is delicious." she answered as she wiggled with her brows and I couldn't help but to grin wide.

Oh how I missed having her around it's insane how I ‚managed' to hold myself together.


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