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Narrator POV

„I won't ask if everything is okay because I know it's not." Nora heard as she walked onto the porch to drink some water after she ended her call with Ruby. Lizzie was standing in the doorway leaned against the doorframe. She had her mom jeans on which were cuffed with some sandals and a white shirt that was cuffed on her arms. She had an drying towel on her right shoulder and her arms were crossed while she watched her lover's movements carefully and worried.

„Wow. Am I that easy to read?" Nora asked while raising her brows after she swallowed the water.

„I can see it in your eyes. They speak for themselves. What is going on?"

„How are the kids did you hear anything from them or did you go upstairs to check?" Nora asked and Lizzie pushed herself from the leaning position and walked a bit outside to get closer to Nora.

„You're changing topics love. You know you can talk to me about everything. Remember it's us against the problem. Not you alone." she reminded her while she was stroking Nora's upper arms to give her comfort.

„The trial will be soon. Ruby told me."
She informed Lizzie and her body became a bit tense. It was noticeable as her body weight shifted to another side.

„She will send me the details through mail and she told me to prepare myself." Nora added and Lizzie raised a brow irritated.

„Prepare yourself for the trial? Like writing down what you want to say?" she asked and Nora shook her head. Oh how she wanted to never have this conversation with her but it seems like life is really putting her through every fucked up Test possible.

Nora sat down and signed Lizzie to do the same as she pointed at the chair next to her. She turned her body towards her. Took Lizzie's hands in hers and looked down on them. She closed her eyes. Squeezed the soft hands that laid in her palms and opened her eyes again to look at a Lizzie that is extremely worried.

„You are scaring me Nora. What is going on?" she asked her.

„This wasn't the only thing Ruby told me. By preparing she meant I should involve my family on the possible outcomes on what will happen since this trial is about how I killed someone."
Lizzie's face frowns as Nora explained herself.

„What is it that you need to prepare us for?"

„I hate to say this to you. But there is a high chance that I will have to go to prison for what I have done." Nora added and Lizzie's face frown didn't fade at all. Now Lizzie was the one who squeezed Nora's hands.

„Absolutely not. I will do Everything in my power to keep you out of it! You won't leave. Not again and especially not to a place where you don't belong."

„You won't do anything do you understand. There is nothing you can do to interfere on this. The judges and jury will decide over my future and we can only hope that it won't be that bad for me."

„No. What about the children Nora? What will you tell them? They will find out eventually. Especially when they will be sitting there in the trial." Nora staid silent trying to find an answer that sounds believable and one that she would believe to. But she staid silent because she didn't know what to say.

„And what about me? What about us?" Lizzie added with tears in her eyes. The way she puts the kids first means the world to Nora. She never would have thought someone else would care just as much for her children as she does. How she puts their relationship aside hurts but is also a big sign for devotion for her children.

„I don't know." Nora whispered as she felt how tears were beaming in her eyes.

„Ruby is the best lawyer. At least this is what Cobie and Scar told me. The chancellery she is working in has a great team that will help her as well. She will handle everything and-."

„You are trying to calm me down even though I am the one who is supposed to calm you down because you will be sitting there and reliving everything all at once." Lizzie told her frustrated while she whipped away her tears with her shoulders not wanting to let go of Nora's hands.

„Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I think orange suits me and my brown hair." Nora joked and she earned a punch towards her arm from Lizzie.

„This isn't the time for jokes Nora."

„If not now when? You know I'd do anything to make you laugh. Especially in situations where we cry. I can't help myself." Nora told her as she whipped her tears away with a thumb.

„I want you to meet my family Nora." Lizzie threw that bomb at her and she was a bit taken back on the swift change of topics and especially a topic that is serious too. How and why did she even think of this while they were talking about Nora's trial not even minutes ago.

„Eh.. are you sure? Is this some sort of test? Like why do-."

„I just want you to meet them. You know I already know your family. I want you to get to know them."

„I mean I already talked to your mom-."

„On the phone I know but that ain't enough. I want you to meet them for real...and we can take the twins with us. They will love it."

„Oh I am sure they would. But don't you think it's a bit soon? I mean what do you want to introduce them as? And what will you introduce me as? What are we? What will the kids be for them what are they for you? How will they react to it and-."
Nora became noticeably hectic and anxious about what Lizzie had just offered.

„Love it's okay hey. Calm down. We don't have to label or title anything. It's just a get together with my family. For some drinks or some dinner or lunch. We can see what we want."

„No it's not it's not just a „get together" it is THE get together. The first official time I will meet them. That isn't a small thing. This is huge. What will they even think of me. I mean honestly I don't think I wanna know-."

„They will love you just like I- everyone does. We don't have to do it immediately. We can take our time after the trial and then we can meet them if you feel ready."

„I think you just don't want me to meet them. Right?" Nora asked and Lizzie looked a bit confused.

„What do you mean?" she asked her.

„making plans after my trial is just a sign that you want to keep up the normal life. Even if it might not be normal after. This is why you make plans with me. To look forward for something after the trial. Lizzie dear. I can't promise you to meet them after the trial. But still I would love to one day. Even if I am internally freaking out-."

„Not Just internally." she corrected her and Nora chuckled.

„Yeah. Right. I just realized that I freaked out more about meeting your parents instead of freaking out about the trial."

„Yeah well I was freaking out about the trial."

„This really shows our priorities in life funny isn't it." Nora added and that made Lizzie laugh a bit which made her nose scrunch and this is something she adores so much.

„But please. Let us do this plan for me. Even if it's just theoretically. I just want to look forward to something good. Please."

„Anything for you if it helps." Nora answered as she stroked Lizzie's face gently to reassure her that she means what she's saying.


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