You and I

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Nora POV

„Okay now that your injured I would suggest for us all to drive to the hospital and-."

„NO!" I interrupted Lizzie as she was walking around hectic. I was already laying on the couch with my soaked hair, in a towel that covered my body up to the mid part of my thigh.

Chestnut was sitting next to me and laying his head down on the couch. He made whiny noises in between the conversations.

„I'm just gonna take some pain killers and put some ice onto my shoulder. I'll be fine."
I reassured her but she raised her brow on me.

„We need to get you checked out at least Nora.
What if your shoulder is badly inj-."

„I said no Lizzie. Is it so hard to understand? I am sick and tired of hospitals. I don't wanna step another foot into it. I am fine just let me rest here and I'll be able to move eventually. It just takes time." I interrupted her again and she glared down at me while I was laying there holding my arm in pain.

„Okay. But if it won't be better in two days we will go to the hospital if you like it or not." she pointed at me in a demanding way and I nod, secretly adoring how she is when she is so demanding and mad.

„yes ma'am." I answered and she was trying to hide a smirk.

„Do not ma'am me Nora." she warned me as she walked to the fridge to get me some ice.

„Yes professor!" I teased.

„I am no longer your professor Nora. You know that right?" she replied as she walked up to sit down next to me. Scar was outside with the kids and chestnut ran after them because he heard some noises so we're alone in the living room.

„What are you then to me?" I asked her.

„I can be whatever you want me to be."
She answered in a whisper of confidence. She had lowered her voice and narrowed her eyes on me which made me and the ice melt more and faster because I started to feel how my temperature was rising.

„What do you want me to be Nora?" she asked now as she was trying to search for an answer in my eyes.

„For now. I just want you to be here with me. No strings attached. Just us. I know who you are by now and know what we went through. I know what you went through because of me. And even if I think I might ruin it all again, because I am always the problem, I don't want you to leave me her all alone. I've walked away from you so many times. But I am staying now wherever you are, and I'll follow wherever you go." I replied and a single tear rolled down her face.

„I forgot for a moment how good you were with words." she answered and stroked my face softly.

„I won't leave you. Ever! Not today. Not tomorrow and neither in a million years. I wanna enjoy the short forever we will creat together."

„And you were never the problem. It was the people around you who created the problems. Some wanted to drag you down." She added.

„And they almost did." I mumbled to myself.

„But you got up from it every time. The kids have an extremely strong mother and I am not even half as strong as you are. You probably don't get that told often. But you've endured so much. You broke so many times but you managed to pick yourself up. Again and again and again. And I am utterly proud of you. For what you've become and the family you've created." she told me and I couldn't help myself but to cry over her thoughtful words.

For the first time after a while we weren't fighting in our conversations. There was no arguing. Just talking and letting out the things that have been laying on our hearts for so long.

„I am sorry." I apologized and her face frowns as she let out a questioning „for what?"

„For calling you a temporary mom. I didn't had the right to say that to you. You've been a mom to them for the moment you've filled my spot. And you did it so good that they can't be without you anymore. I appreciate what you did so much even if you might not wanted to do it in the first place.
You were born to be a mom." and with that she started to cry too.

„You know what I realized when I remembered you? As I began to remember I started to feel how much I've missed you. I didn't miss you before because I couldn't miss anything I couldn't remember. But now? Now I miss you so much even though you are right in front of me. Because I know what we had even if it wasn't much. Even if we didn't give our all to it. Those ugly and beautiful moments were still the best moments I ever had.
And I feel so stupid for not remembering that from the start."

„It's okay. You remember now! The rest doesn't matter anymore."

„It does. You suffered as well and I am sorry for that. I can't imagine how you must feel."

„And I can't imagine how you must feel. Because you were the one who forgot. You've been standing in the dark for so long but now you remember and we're good."

„We're good?"

„Yes dear. We're good." she whispered gently as she stroked may face lightly. Her touch was warming me and I couldn't hold myself back.
I leaned into her palm trying to keep her hand in my face. The friction I've been longing for for so long.

„I'll go get you some pain killers alright." she added after some silence but I let my arm go to grab her hand to keep her from standing up.

„Please. I can still endure some of the pain. I wanna stay like this for a moment. Just you and me. In silence. Together." I pleaded while keeping my eyes closed to hold back my tears that came for no reason.

„Okay then. I'll let you enjoy this moment for a little while. Even if it's not a special moment."

„Bullshit Liz. Every single moment with you is special. And right now is even more specific because I remember and we are both on one wave length again. You and I."

„Right...You and I." she whispered and I smiled up at her while she smiled down on me.


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