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Lizzie POV

„SHIT!!" was what I heard from outside. I know it's Chase because of her sweet voice but she sounds mad. I turned in bed not wanting to get up yet but I really have to get my ass up. Especially now since I head cursing from a kid. I can't think of a reason why it escalated downstairs this way but I am curious about it.

Nora POV

„I don't want to hear this from you young lady.
I made myself clear. Go upstairs until I call you down for breakfast." I told her and she ran off further outside probably going to Quinn so she can complain about me.

Ugh having kids is not easy and sometimes I don't know If I am doing the right things when it comes to raising them. And my little Chase is a big rebel sometimes and I know that she has it from me.

Instead of going after her I let her be and maybe things will settle as soon as I am done with making breakfast. I started to make a coffee for Lizzie since I know that she needs it as soon as she's awake.
I let it brew and pulled my attention back to the waffles.

I Cut up some fruits as well and put everything on the kitchen island so we can eat here. We usually always eat our breakfast around the kitchen island and when it comes to lunch and dinner we eat it on the dinning table in the living room.

Time passes and I the plates are getting stacked with the waffles I made. I put them away and poured Lizzie her morning coffee. I made it how she likes it and placed it on the table. I held a moment in and thought to myself if I should bring her the coffee upstairs as a good morning gesture.

Or is that to much? I don't know. But I'll do it anyways. So I grabbed the mug and went up to give her the coffee she needs.

„Heyy good morning Liz-." I stood in my bedroom with no Lizzie in sight. She's not in our bed.

„Huh. How did she get downstairs without me noticing?" I mumbled to myself and as I turned around Lizzie frightened me in a goofy way.

„Fucking hell Lizzie!" i shrugged together and some of her freshly brewed coffee splashed over my upper body.

„Oh my god I didn't know that you were holding something hot in your hands!! Shit I am sorry."

„Uhh fuck that is hot. Take this!!" I pushed the half empty mug of coffee into her hands and pulled my shirt off quick so that I won't let the hot coffee burn my skin.

„I am so sorry Nora. I thought it would be fun to scare you I didn't mean to burn you." she apologized like crazy while she was holding her mug in one hand and the towel wrapped around her body in the other.

Now we're standing here in the bedroom both half naked in such an chaotic moment. She literally just came out the shower and I probably need to jump into one since my skin feels sticky from the coffee.

She became silent and I didn't know why at first but now that I looked closely I saw that she was looking down on me. First off I forgot I wasn't wearing a bra. Second off I don't think she even paid attention to that. She is looking at something else. At my scars.

„I should probably hop into the shower quick." I covered myself up with my hands and walked past her.

„Wait I didn't mean to-." she held onto my wrist for a moment to stop me.

„What? Look at me the way you just did? With pity in your eyes? Or is it disgust? I'm not quite sure. But I get it. It's not like I see myself differently in the mirror. I should really go and wash the coffee off." I told her getting lose of her grip to leave quickly.

Lizzie POV

Damn it why did I look at her this way. I ruined it again and she thinks that I think that she's is ugly which is most definitely not the case. I never gave a damn about her scars from the bullets, it's just that I haven't seen them so clear before until now and I just froze like an idiot.

I couldn't let it stay like this so I have to do something about and I know exactly what but I hope I am doing it right this time. So I drank the rest of the coffee Nora made for me and placed the empty mug down on the stairs.

I heard that the water in the shower was on and the door was slightly open. Which means I can sneak in perfectly without her noticing at first.

She turned herself around before I was able to get close enough and she shrugged together yet again.

„Lizzie! For god sake please stop sneaking up on me the heck are you doing in here?" she asked as she covered her body shamefully yet again.

„Shh. I am here to show you how beautiful you are." I told her and she was still standing under the water not saying anything.

„I wanna make you realize again how beautiful you are." I whispered as I took a hold of one of her arms that were covering her body.

„I am here." I took off my towel with the other hand.

„I see you." I stepped further while she glanced down on me.

„Please. Let me feel you." I added and she let out a hiss as her back hit the cold wall.
I looked down at her once again and took a hold of her hand to place it on the side of my face.

„I know you want to Nora. I see it in your eyes."

„What is it that I want?" she finally spoke up after being silenced by me for some reason.

„Kiss me."

„Kiss you?" she asked slightly cocky.

„Yes. Kiss me Nora! Do it as if it is the last time!"
I demanded her and she came closer to me with every second.

The water rolled down from our skin and I couldn't help but to look at her wet lips and then her eyes. That back and forth was killing me and a shiver went down my spine as I put lips gazed together.

She's a fucking teaser but I love every ounce of it and I she is enlightening a fire in me that will still burn even though we stand under a pouring shower.


A/n: don't come for me!! I will give y'all a little bit more steam in the next chapter!  Leaving y'all high and dry as per usual 😏

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


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