Good night

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Nora POV

„Mom are you okay now?" Chase asked me as I was sitting down on the edge of her bed. I smiled gently and nod not feeling any pain at the moment but I know it will kick in soon again.

„I am fine sweetie."

„You don't feel any pain?" she asked me and I shook ok my head.

„Not right now. The medications help me a lot. But they also make me really tired and my tummy hurts a bit but that is alright for me."

„Chestnut really did something dumb this time right?" she asked and I laughed at her.

„He did yes. But it was my fault. I should have closed the bathroom door. I know he is a little noisy boy who loves doing shower visits and it just happened. But I still love him. Even if he's not a good boy sometimes." I told her and she smiled at me.

„Can I ask you something else?" she asked me and I nod.

Lizzie POV

„Will mama stay here now? Or will you send her away again?" I heard Chase ask Nora. I wanted to walk in but I stopped not wanting to interrupt this moment and I kinda want to know what Nora has to say. I was able to glance in shortly to see the Nora scutched a bit close to her to grab her hand.

„I won't send her away. I told her that I want her around and I hope that she will stay around."

„So you like her again?" she questioned innocently.

„Oh sweetie I never stopped liking her and I will never stop liking her. Even if she may not like me one day. That won't stop me from liking her."

„Is that Love?" my heart melts on the questions she asked Nora.

„Maybe yes. What do you think hm? What is Love?"
She asked back.

„I think Love is something that will always be there. Even if you hate them sometimes. Just how I hate Quinn sometimes for annoying me. I still love him after all." she replied simply and I couldn't help myself but to smile wide at this explanation of love and that came from a six year old.
I saw how Nora wiped her tears off on her shoulder not wanting to let go of her daughters hands.

„You said that so well. Even if they annoy us or hurt us sometimes. We will still love them regardless." she added and Chase yawned.
That's where I decided to interrupt and walk in so she could still see me.

„Mama. Come here." she pat her  spot next to her and I saw how Nora wanted to get up from the tiny bed but I placed my hand on her back to let her know that she can still sit there.

„I just wanted to see you before you fall asleep sweetie." I told her and she smiled faintly. She looks really tired.

„I was just talking asking mom if you will stay here. Will you?" she asked me and I smiled while giving her a nod.

„Do you and you brother want me to stay? If so I will." I asked her and she nod eagerly.

„Of course we do. We love you. So does mom."
I looked at Nora and she was flushing red around her nose which I frankly find really adorable.
Chase might have mixed some words up because she didn't say it word by word that she loves me.

„I should probably go and check on Quinn. He's probably waiting for me already...soo. Good night sweetie. Sleep tight. I love you." she kissed her on the head before getting up to go.

„We love you too." and now I was the one blushing but Nora didn't see it because she was already in the hallway on her way down to Quinn's room.

Nora POV

„Heyy buddy. Are you ready for bed?" I asked as I knocked on the door frame to announce my presence. He was already laying in bed half asleep.

He always falls asleep really quick. Way faster than Chase. She is usually the one who needs a bed time story but as soon as I am ready to go to check on Quinn he's mostly asleep half of the time.
I rarely catch him awake.

„hmm. Sleep." he mumbled as he tossed around in his bed. I pulled the blanket up a bit for him and sat down on the bed next to him.

„I just wanted to ask you if it's okay that your mama stays around?" I asked as I tugged his hair behind his ear. He nod and hummed quietly at the same time.

„Yea. Mama. Here cool." he answered in short sentences with a dreamy smile on his face.

„Great. That's good. Chase already approved for the both of you but I wanted to make sure you agree too."

„Of course we do. She's our mama."

„And your okay with that?" I asked knowing that it might be hard for him to have no father figure in his life. I've been trying to be both parents for years and it worked out great. But now that he has two moms it might be weird for him.

„No I love having two moms. I think it'" he answered with a long drawn yawn in between that interrupted his sentence.

„I am relieved you do."

„Me too. Even though some kids in school are rude about it. I don't care. I love it this way." he added and my eyes teared up a bit.

„Listen buddy. When you see that your sister is in trouble I want you to step in okay? Promise me that. Even if you annoy her sometimes. Protect her when I am not around. Keep in mind. You are the only one allowed to annoy her."
I told him and he hummed.

„I will. I promise mom."

„Good. I love you Quinn. Sleep well." I kissed his head and he smiled faintly.

„I love you too mom. Night." he answered while he hugged his bunny plushy.

I closed the door and leaned against it. I closed my eyes for a moment until I heard some steps in the hallway. It was Lizzie.

„Is he asleep already?" she asked me while pointing behind me at the closed door.

„He is. He was already half asleep when I walked in to say good night. Sometimes I really wonder how he can fall asleep so quick." I answered as I began to yawn.

„Looks like your tired too Lewis." she answered and I chuckled as she referred to me with my surname.

„Those are the meds talking. I am tired and my stomach hurts."

„You want me to make you some food?" she asked as she pointed behind her down the stairs.

I shook my head no to let her know that I don't want any food. „No thanks Olsen. It's not a hungry stomach pain. It just feels like someone is living into my stomach. So I'd rather not eat anything. Besides. It's already late."

„It's never to late for food that has been made with my hands and skills." and here it comes. My dirty ass teenage mind thinks of something else when it hears hands and skills in combination.

„I should go to bed." I answered as I started to walk up the second staircase. Lizzie followed me in silence assuming that we will share the same bed from now on. Not that I would wanna have it any other way.

I missed her next to me.
Maybe she did miss me too in that way.

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