Phone call

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Lizzie POV

I made sure that it was my time with cleaning the kitchen since Nora did the breakfast for all of us.
I kept an eye on her to make sure that she really ate her breakfast even though her apatite might have faded away.

She's outside by now in the backyard chopping wood as she used to do before the accident.
I told her to be careful because I know when she's suffering from the pain of her scars she might still keep on going but I see that she takes little breaks even if it's just because of chestnut who is zooming around her.

As I was drying the dishes I leaned back and watched her through the big living room window.
She looked tense and as if she is lost in her thoughts and I know that she is blaming herself because Quinn just did. Maybe his words weren't intentional but they still hurt her and it shows.
She can't hide. Especially not from me.

Kids don't fully understand the consequences of words sometimes and I think Quinn didn't know it at first. At least until it was all said and done.

Nora yanked the axe into the wood in front of her and left it there as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. Someone is probably calling her and I'd love to know who.

„Hey my kid told me you called me this morning. So sorry that I didn't reply immediately I'm pretty much worked up with my kids right now and it's a lot." her voice became clearer as she stepped closer to the back yard porch where she had her drink on the wooden table.

I don't wanna eavesdrop because I know it's not appropriate but I am not intentionally listening. I am just standing in the kitchen drying the dishes and hearing what Nora has to say to the stranger on the phone.

„Okay. I know you are doing your best. But is there any possible way to make it easier for my kids?"
She asked as she was biting in her necklace.

„I know I should be thinking about me too but come on. When I think of myself I automatically think of them. I don't want them to notice."
She added as she was walking up and down.

„I will do whatever it takes. You should know that by now." she replied a bit more tense.

„Well I don't wanna lose them! Neither my kids or Lizzie. Because I know I will as soon as this happens." she whispered and my heart wrenched as I hear her saying this.

„No. Look I won't go to-." she stopped mid sentence as her eyes met mine through the open veranda door. Our eyes locked for a moment and I know that concerned look upon her face showing me that she is first off uncomfortable and second off she probably feels like shit.

„Sorry yeah. I'm still here." she shook her head a bit as she came back to herself. She lowered her head and walked off probably not wanting me to hear the rest of the conversation or especially what she was planing on saying before she saw me standing there.

Nora POV

„Sorry yeah I am still here. As I was saying Ruby."
I walked off back to my chopping wood place to keep my distance from Lizzie. I don't want her to listen to my conversation with my lawyer. I will tell her when I know what is going on.

„I can't go to prison. You know that. You have to make a deal for me that will let me stay out of prison. I will lose my family if I do." I told her as I referred to my kids and Lizzie.

„I know and I am trying everything that is in my power to keep you out of it. But Victors girlfriend is really consistent on trying to bring you behind bars."

„Does this bitch know that I have children to raise?" I asked as I became a bit more angry.

„I'm not sure if she has that information."

„Do you have a name?" I asked as I had a feeling on who it might be.

„Well my date might had an information since he's a police officer. He just had a first name and he couldn't get more because he isn't working on the case." she began to explain from where she had that extra information.

„Her name is Elle I think."

„For fucking sake ain't no way. Are you being for real right now?" I asked as sat down on the wood I had to chop.

„Why? Do you know her?"

„I only know one Elle and with my fucked up luck I know that this will be the Elle that was my best friend when I was in college."

„Oh shit. Something tells me that there was no good ending between the two of you."

„You're right. We separated after a big fight and when I broke up with Victor for the first time she jumped him and turns out they were fucking each other behind my back. The last interaction I had with her was a fight. A physical fight may I add."

„Well she deserved your punches for sure."

„Feels like she's trying to plot some revenge shit on me."

„As if your ex's spirit lives in her."
Ruby added and I got shivers all over my body.

„Please. Don't make me think of that." I told her and silence fell between us.

„I can't get rid of her can't I?" I asked Ruby a she let out a sigh.

„I don't think so. In the end the judges and jury will decide what to do with you. But I know it won't be easy since we have someone there who will be on your ass the whole time. The trial Is soon. I'll send you their details and I want you to be prepared for everything. Prepare your family too. Involve them even if it will hurt. It will hurt more when they hear the decision of the judge if you didn't let them know what can happen." she told me and I rubbed my eyes as I realized that I had to prepare myself and my family for the worst.


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