From mother to mother

358 26 4

Nora POV

I sat down on the hanging swing and leaned back as I took a sip from my wine while looking down on my phone in my hand. I already saw Lizzie's number in my phone and it was marked with a little „<3".
I can't really remember putting it in but I guess it was way back.

I took a deep breath and another sip before calling her. I waited and waited and waited until the call got answered. I didn't even phrase my start in my head, probably because I felt like I was gonna ramble something anyways.

„Hey Lizzie I know we don't talk and you probably don't wanna hear anything from me because of the way we split and I am not calling because of us.
It's because of the kids and especially Chase today I feel like something is wrong and something tells me that she needs you right now or can you at least tell me what you guys talked about so I can talk to her about it? Like you don't have to come by if you don't want to which is probably the case.
But the kids need you and they really got stuck on you, since you were there and I wasn't."
I spoke fast and didn't really take a breath until I finished my last words.

At first I was confronted with silence until I heard a voice that wasn't Lizzie's.
„I am sorry to disappoint you but Lizzie isn't around right now." was all I heard from another woman.

„Eh. I am sorry but who did I just spill out this whole paragraph to?" I asked confused as I looked at my phone again to check if I really called Lizzie which was the case. It was her number but she wasn't on the phone.

„Sweetheart I am Lizzie's mother." she answered and my heart sank to the pit of my stomach.

„Oh my god." I mumbled lowly before coughing to fix my voice crack.

„I am sorry Misses Olsen for overwhelming you with everything I have said. I am-."

„Nora Lewis. I know who you are." she finished my sentence and I don't know if I am on thin ice or not. I can't really tell right now.

„Oh you already know eh well.. since Lizzie isn't available right now I should probably go back and-."

„Do you want me to get her? She's asleep but I can wake her up if you want to. I can go upstairs and-."

„Please no. Misses Olsen it's fine. She should rest. She needs it. I will figure things out and sorry again for the way I was rambling earlier."

„It's fine. You don't have to apologize for it, and please call me Jarnett. I feel way to old when you call me Misses Olsen."

Okay Jarnett. Sorry for that again."

„It's okay sweetheart. Is there anything I can do help you with? Y'know I got some kids as well. Even though they are all grown up by now they still act like kids sometimes."

„Oh I don't wanna burden you with what is going on in my house. One of the little ones might just have a bad day and..." I held in for a moment not knowing if I should say it or not.

„Nora.. I'll head off I got another case that I need to take care of. I'll call you as soon as I can alright."
Ruby mumbled as she walked out to say goodbye.

„Jarnett could you hold on a sec."

„Don't you wanna stay for dinner? I feel bad for just serving you coffee."

„No I am fine thank you. I got a call that is urgent and I need to drive back to my office to get some things sorted out. Let me know when you remember more and when you recovered well enough." she told me while she walked down the porch stairs.

„I will thank you again for today. Your a huge help."

„Of course. Anytime. Good night."
She waved at me before sitting down in her car to drive off.

„I am so sorry for interrupting our conversation this way."

„No it's fine don't worry about it." she reassured me friendly. So I caught my last thought that has been interrupted and kept on talking to Lizzie's mom.

„To be honest my daughter Chase is having a hard time right now since Lizzie isn't around. Please don't tell her that but I think she favors her right now more than me. I feel like they've created a good and deep bond with one another and I just need to let her know that Lizzie won't be around anymore. I just couldn't take that step yet but I think I'll tell her tonight. I hate lying to them."
I began to rambled again and I had to stop myself.

„Yeah my Lizard has always been great with kids. She used to enjoy babysitting when she was just a teen and I still wonder why she didn't get any kids herself. It sounds like your daughter is really having a hard time and I wouldn't do what you planned on doing. Just try to be there for her. She will open up eventually."

„You don't know what conversations they had by any chance?"

„I know a lot about what has been going on in my daughters life but not every tiny bit sweetheart."

„Oh okay..."

„Sorry for disappointing you on that one."

„No it's fine. Thank you for the advice. You were the least person I expected to exchange words with today but you still helped me."

„What was your daughters name again I must've overheard it since you talked so fast."

„Her name is Chase." I answered and I yet again I was confronted with silence for a moment.

„Jarnett? Are you still there?"

„Yes! Of course sorry I just zoned out for a moment. Listen I'll let Lizzie know and I am sure she will call you as soon as she can."

„Thank you. But please don't try to pressure her on something that she doesn't want to do. I don't wanna make her feel responsible for my daughter.
She must be busy with work as well and I am sure she's tired and stressed out already."

„She called in sick at work. So she wasn't working at all in the last couple of days. But she hadn't had it easy. She try's to avoid things with sleep but I'll get to her as soon as she had her coffee after waking up." she told me and now I feel responsible for her „calling in sick" move.

„Oh okay. Just don't stress her about it that would be great and if she doesn't want to talk to me at all I get it. Thank you again Jarnett for helping we out."

„Of course sweetheart. Mothers gotta help each other out. Have a good one."

„Thanks you too. Bye." I ended the call and leaned back to close my eyes for a moment. The hanging swing made little noises and I realized that I need to oil that thing so that it doesn't make these noises. I have a lot of work to do around the house but I haven't had the chance to do that and I simply can't right now.

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