Shower and waffles

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Nora POV

Seeing Lizzie now here naked in front of me was the least unexpected thing that had happened to me in a while. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining, it just took me by surprise and I wasn't down for it but I knew she is persistent. Especially this time for some reason.

I could see that in her eyes. So I went with it and let my mind shut up for just a moment because it usually never does. But now as we look at each other vise versa it feels like everything around us stopped. The water felt like a bliss and her soft hands touching my skin felt like little shots of electricity.

We both initiated the kiss even though she demanded me to kiss her. She was way to impatient to wait on my burningly slow move.

I let my lips gaze hers and I felt the water that ran down our lips. The grin was tangible and I fucking loved it. She couldn't bare my slow attempt any longer, so she crashed her lips onto mine while having one hand resting on my face and her other hand was grabbing my back to pull me in.

Our breasts touched and she had one leg pressed between mine which gave me a friction that I haven't felt in such a long time. An unintentional quiet moan slipped out of my mouth and I was hoping that Lizzie wouldn't hear it but she began to grin once again. Probably knowing exactly what effect she had on me.

Compared to my other showers I had the water on relatively cold but I didn't feel cold at all. Heck I felt hot from the bottom to the top I felt like I've been lit on fire ever since our lips reconnected after such a long time.

Our burning skin lit up again as we shut our minds close to be close again. We should shut our minds more and let our hearts take over the navigation. Because we've never agreed more when we were silenced by each others lips.

As we kept on kissing I bit down slightly on her lower lip making her moan now but I shut her up as I let my tongue enter her mouth.
Her grip on me became a bit tighter as in reply that I was doing it right and oh she does the right things too.

„GIVE ME MY  WAFFLE!!" was what we both heard and I separated myself from her to listen closely on which kid is yelling so loud that I can hear them from downstairs.

„Guess this is my cue to leave this steamy shower."
I replied as I walked past her but I felt her hand grab a hold of mine to pull me back in.

„Give me one more moment."
She begged but I smiled at her while shaking my head.

„We will have our longer moments sometime else." I replied while stroking the back of her hand with my thumb.

„You promise?"

„I do." I replied and this sounded awfully close to saying I do at a wedding.

„MOOOOOOOM!!!" we've been interrupted once again.

„I made breakfast if you care to join. You know where to find me." I added and wrapped myself up to leave.

„You guys better be screaming for some valid reason because you just interrupted moms s-."
I stopped myself because what I was about to say wasn't kids friendly at all.

„Shower..." I got was able to change my intrusive answers. They usually come out the most when I am pissed. Which I am. Slightly.

„Quinn stole my waffle!" Chase pointed at him as he was on the other side of the kitchen island.

„Did he?" I asked her and then I looked at him.

„She never manages to eat more than two waffles so I took her third one." he argued back.

„Okay. First off, there is no reason to yell at each other for that and second off... Quinn it's not nice to take your sisters waffle without permission. Why don't you give her a chance and maybe she will eat her third waffle this time and if not you can have hers." I offered and silence filled the room as I was able to notice how his little screws were turning in his head.

„If you say so." he answered as he pitched the waffle with his fork to give it back to Chase. She pulled her tongue out and he rolled his eyes on her.

„And if she eats her third one and you are still hungry for more you can have some more of mine. Sharing is caring my love remember that."
I told them both.

„Now if you won't mind I'd like to run upstairs real quick so I can change into something else except for a towel. Mom will be back in no time."
I added and ran up quick to change.

„Did you solve the problem? Because it became so quiet downstairs." Lizzie  asked as she put on some socks while getting ready.

„Yeah so far I think I did. I swear to god this little kids act like animals sometimes. Especially Quinn ugh. He has such a fast metabolism which is why he steals Chases food sometimes."

„Well it's normal. You know what it's like to have siblings. So do I. They will be in each others business in the first moment and in the next they will be laughing and playing together."

„Oh you know exactly how awful it went with my siblings. But honestly. I would love to see you interact with yours... how little Lizzie will act when she's around her elder siblings."

„Are you trying to talk to me down? Cause you sound like I didn't survive my siblings torture."

„What's that torture? Dressing you up and cutting your hair?" I told her jokingly and she threw a pillow at me which made me stumble back. She has a hard throw I'll give her that.

„They can be really annoying sometimes but I love them even though they are all up in my business most of the times. Like when I try to talk to mom about something she already knows and guess from who? My twin siblings."

„Uh so they like spilling the tea with mom."

„Yeah it's not like I've been having a boiling pot of tea for years. They've been feed with it all." she joked and I know exactly what she's talking about which Is the drama she's been involved with because of me.

„I've been wanting to ask you this. Will Quinn and Chase get to know your side of the family?"
She asked me as I pulled my oversized shirt over my head.

„This is actually why I've been fighting with Chase this morning. I don't know if you noticed but-."

„Oh I was very much awake. From all the screaming she had inside of her."

„I am sorry that It woke you up. She's never like this usually so I don't know what has gotten into her lately."

„No it's fine. Don't worry about it. I still slept good. Besides they woke me up plenty of time while I took care of them. Just not in that way."

„How about I'll tell you everything later. I can hear your stomach growling. I don't wanna meet hangry Lizzie." I told her as I pointed to her stomach and she turned red.

„You will meet hangry Lizzie one day don't worry about that." she laughed and her nose scrunched while she did and this made me melt on the spot.

„Nora love you look a bit dreamy are you okay?" she snapped her fingers and I rubbed the back of my head while being a bit flustered but I didn't want her to see it so I played it off.

„Me? I am totally fine and totally not dreamy. I just dreamed about my breakfast. Yeah."

„You're cute when you try to play it off that I made you fluster." she winked at me and I pointed at the door signing that I will walk off in silence because it don't know what to say next and she followed me downstairs.


A/n: had u guys waiting a bit for this one. My bad guys but I hope this extinguished your thirst for a bit.

Until next time

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