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Nora POV

The house was quiet and I only heard the wind hollowing through the trees outside. It was pouring rain and I heard some thunders but they weren't that close. The bushes move, the rain falls and the sound of leafs moving calmed me down but there was still a certain restlessness that went through me. The sound of sirens appeared from afar. It so far away that it's barely noticeable but my ear are pretty good so I was able to hear them through the rain anyway. God forbid for who is in need of an ambulance right now.

I looked at my phone every now and then,
hoping deep down that I will see a missed call or an overlooked message from Lizzie. But there wasn't anything. Silence was surrounding me at this very moment and silence laid between me and Lizzie.

I wasn't able to sleep peacefully this night. It's not just the fact that I haven't slept good in a while, or that I can't really sleep in general when my kids feel bad. But there is something longing inside of me that I can't quite explain. A shiver went down my spine and was always glancing at my phone.

But I need to accept the fact that I am on my own now. She would've been here by now if she would care or at least she would've picked up the phone to call. But she didn't and I need to swallow that, even though deep down I don't want to.

I don't want it to be over yet even if it didn't start but I am not the one to decide that. I made it clear that she should leave and she did. This is my fault...


„Okay everyone are we ready to leave? Quinn did you put your math homework into your backpack?" I asked as I was cleaning up the kitchen from the breakfast we had.

„I did." I heard his voice in the hallway.

„Good. Great. Now put on your shoes so we can go."

„Wait why do you never ask Chase if she has everything in her bag?" Quinn asked curiously as he put on his shoes.

„Well buddy. Your just as clumsy and forgetful as I used to be. Chase on the other hand is well organized and she never forgot anything."
I told him and he rolled his eyes at his sister because she pushed her tongue out in an annoying way trying to sign him „ha ha I am better.".

„Now chop chop. We don't want you guys to be late." I told them and they grabbed their bags and ran to scars car to hop on in. I took my crutches and bag and closed the door behind me.

„Did you forget anything?" scar asked me now and I find it kinda ironic because I asked Quinn the same.

„No. I got everything I need with me. We can head off." I told her as I buckled my kids up before sitting down in the passenger front seat.

„Alright then. Let's go." scar announced and drove off. The road was muddy from all the rain from yesterday so scar drove a bit slower as per usual.

„Mom why are you going to school with us today?"
Quinn asked and I looked back at him.

„I won't go in with you. I'll only accompany you. Besides. I was always the one driving you to school and I really need to get out of the house."

„okay." he replied simply and looked outside the window.


„Alright we are here." scar announced as she parked her car in front of the school.
I heard Quinn unbuckle himself but I looked into the review mirror seeing that Chase was still sitting there not wanting to go.

„Okay bye mom. Love you!" Quinn told me as he jumped out the car but I wasn't gonna let him go.

„Hold on. Take your sister with you! I don't want her to go in alone." I demanded him and he waited at the open door.

„Chase my love. Are you-."

„Bye mom." she answered quick as she unbuckled herself. She took her bag and jumped out the car to avoid the conversation with me.
Thy both were quick and walked into the school.

„There has to be something going on."
I mumbled to scar while I was still looking at the school entry. Before scar was able to say anything a woman I couldn't stand walked up to my open window.

„Nora? Is that you? I wasn't sure."

„Hi Sabrina." I answered not sounding so impressed.

„And who is this lovely woman? Your partner?"
She asked as she pointed at scar.

„I am a close friend of hers."

„How nice is that. I always had the impression that you were a loner." she commented which was totally unnecessary.

„How have you been? We all haven't seen you for months and we were so worried about you and your kids. A blond woman always picked them up. I forgot her name, she wasn't really talkative anyway."

„I had some health issues that made me disable of being here." I told her trying to say as little as possible I don't want her to know it all.

„Was she a lover of yours was what I asked myself every time I saw her but then I noticed the ring and I was thinking oh she is in tight hands already. Was that some type of side thing?" she questioned and my hand turned into a fist on how low she speaks of Lizzie and me. Scar must've noticed this and she hopped into the conversation now taking over.

„Sorry but what is your purpose now with all those questions? They are really inconvenient."

„I just wanted to make sure that Quinn and Chase live in a healthy household. The changes came to our attention and we as a community of parents care for one another." she Lied herself out of it because I know this fake as bitch of a snake.
She just wants to have something to gossip about.

„We we're close on calling the youth welfare office. Just to make sure everything was okay. But we talked to the principle and teachers first but they talked us out of it saying everything was fine. I hope they are right tho." she told us and I am really about to lose it and get out of the car but scar held me by ma arm trying to sign me I shouldn't do anything or else they really will call the welfare department on me.


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