Just Another Day

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I'm back, with the ending to the cliffhanger. 😁😁 You're welcome. 😇😇 I will be putting trigger warnings at the start of every chapter when they are necessary just so you know what's coming up. Also, if at any point during the reading you are uncomfortable please do not continue reading that part. Your mental health is WAY more important than the number of views I get. 😚😚 I love you always ❤️❤️. Enjoy 😘😘

Korean lines appear like this
English lines appear like this
Thoughts appear like this when in full sentences

Wednesday, July 5th, 2020
6:50 AM - I don't even know at this point, 7ish?

Sexist Views (slight)



What in the literal fuck just happened?

There were people, so many people. And Jeongin, he was next to you. And then there was... Chan? Felix? Both of them? Now, apparently, you get questions instead of people.

As your breathing settles down, you start to focus more on the people around you. You're in the arms of somebody, and this somebody is very well built. They smell good too, like fresh air even though you can tell they've been sweating recently. They've got you wrapped up bridal style, with one arm secured dangerously close to your breasts and the other under your legs.

But, as usual, none of that matters. What does matter is where the hell you are currently. Well, outside of this person's arms. As your vision and mind clear, you notice your inside, most likely the front lobby of the building. Also, somebody's talking, not at you, and it's not the same person holding you. It's coming from your left side, where you see Felix and Jeongin standing.

That means Chan's the one holding you. Oh God, not him. Get me outta here. Frantically, you put your hands on his chest and shove yourself out of his embrace. You fall, with surprising grace, to your feet in front of him.

"Woah there, Y/N. You scared me." His face is a mixture of concern and surprise.

You're too busy shaking off the dizziness that hit you to respond to him. Then another person, now behind you, clears their throat.

"As I was saying, Y/N, you're going to want to listen to this. You turn your head to the voice to see Heejun. Bowing slightly, you move to Chan's right so your facing the manager. "You can't just ignore the fact that those people don't know you except for what you do in public.

"Y/N, you can't let them get to you, you can't let them know what effects you because they will only use that against you. When you saw the crowd you should've gone around the back entrance, if you'd done that, this would've never happened. And dragging I.N in there with you? That's the worst part. Now you have them believing you get anxious in large crowds and that I.N has to take care of you. Think about that next time you're in public, please."

With your gaze on your feet you slowly nod. Of course he'd go off on you first. What else what he do? If you know anything about Heejun, he's not going to be nearly as negative towards the other three.

"Chan," he continues his rant, "shoving people, swearing? You know better than that. I don't care if you're overprotective, your reputation and the reputation of this group is more important."

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