No Exceptions

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Part two! 

I don't want the chapters leading up to the main events to be so slow, so there might not be many details, and everything might be a little compact or seem rushed. Just bear with me, shit will get exciting soon, I promise. If you like the story, feel free to comment whatever, vote on the chapters, idk. Or you can just read and (hopefully) have fun with the story. I give zero fucks what you do with your life, it's none of my business.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy!

English lines appear like this, korean lines appear like this, thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences, author notes appear like this.

⚠️TW⚠️: Cursing

Timeline: Sunday, July 21, 2019

Word Count: 1653



You've successfully kept the card secret with zero suspicion you were even trying to hide anything. If I were you, I'd call that a success based off of how nosy Haven and Lauren can be at times. The two of them should be the next two black widows judging by how much information they can get out of a person. You don't know whether to call that manipulation or cleverness, but it works out for the better most of the time.

You thought keeping a straight face around your friends was going to be hard, the one thing you want to do right now is tell all six of them what really happened on your walk, not just some story with too many plot holes to count. But there can be no exceptions, you can't keep bending your own rules just because you like the person you're bending them for. Eventually, you'll have to learn to stay true to yourself, and you have a good feeling about keeping this secret safe.

Even at this - what you'd call - late our in the morning the kitchen is empty. The clock reads seven o'clock, so this is a small luxury compared to what your family puts you through every morning. You take a spitefully long time cooking yourself a filling breakfast of eggs, and avocado toast before you sit at the kitchen island to eat,

The whole process took you the better part of an hour, which may be because you were interrupted by random impulses to dance and lip sync to random songs that popped into your head. Over all, it was both a delicious meal, and a wonderful concert. This odd freedom to basically do whatever you want is very refreshing, so you want to make it last as long as possible.

Content, you turn on the TV and start scrolling through Netflix before realizing that everything you're looking at is in Korean. After a quick backtrack to change the language to English, you start looking for a show to watch. After scrolling and scrolling and not finding anything, you just open a random show and get comfortable on the couch.

Only two minutes passed before your mind starts to wander, just as it always done while watching or listening to something. You don't do it purposely, but something about watching and listening doesn't draw your full attention and you get distracted easily. It might be part of what you think is your ADHD, but you'll have to see a professional before knowing anything for certain.

Today you think about the business card hiding in your travel bag. Would it be possible to stay in Korea? to become an idol? You'd be finally free from your parent's watchful eyes, and be doing what you really do want to do. But you're twenty years old, will they still let you in?

Your thoughts are interrupted by a moan coming from the screen. You roll your eyes before turning the TV off; even here you can't watch that, Mrs. Potter would probably smack the shit out of you. There's footsteps coming from the stair well and you turn to face whoever it is.

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