Love and Hate

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Hi, I hope y'all didn't die this week, my week was rlly rough idk bout u. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ But it's fine, it's all fine I'm back w another chapter about Chan you're welcome. 😇😇 I realized I haven't been doing a lot of dialogue and that's mostly because I can't write it lol 😅😅 but there's a big convo in either this one or next one, im not telling. 😈 😈 (mostly cuz idk when I'm writing this intro) Anyway, I hope u enjoy. 😚😚


Saturday, October 22nd, 2022
8:30 AM - 9:50 AM


"Happy Birthday to me~"

Around the corner from your bedroom into the hallway.

"Happy Birthday to me~"

Down the stairs, clutching the rail the whole way down.

"Happy Birthday dear Y/N~"

A couple more steps into the kitchen, then the living room.

"Happy Birthday to me~"

Settle down on the couch and turn on the TV.

Another episode of Wandavision plays on the screen but you pay little attention to it. You're looking around the room, for any signs of movement. They could come at any second, and you had to be ready so you could keep your cool and not ruin it for you.

Why are you acting like you're about to be kidnapped? Well, it's because every time it's somebody's birthday, the rest of the group surprises them in the morning with gifts and food.

Why are you complaining about presents and free food? Because of the surprise part. As I'm sure everyone has realized, you hate surprises, so this whole thing is kind of ruining your morning.

Distantly, you hear The View playing upstairs, and it's getting closer to you. You turn around to face the stairs more directly and just as you do that Felix comes into view with a small birthday cake and a huge smile on his face.


All of the guys come into the kitchen, each with something for you, singing the song in perfect harmony. You can't help but smile at them, doing all of this for you. As Felix gives you the cake you try for a smile, he seems to buy it so you guess it works.  One by one, you open the presents they got you, each one well thought out and heartfelt.

From Seungmin you got a reversible plushie. You've always wanted it ever since you saw a TikTok where there was one in it. You just thought the plushies were absolutely adorable and you wanted it so bad. He got you the octopus one with a note attached to it. The note reads "I know you've wanted this for a long time and now you can use it when you're in a bad mood so you don't kill me lol. I love you so much! - Minnie".

Hyunjin painted you three oil paintings of flower vases and framed them for you. They're beautifully wrapped and the frames are gorgeous as well, without taking attention away from the paintings, of course. He also had attached a note for you. "I don't know why, but I know you love my art, so I thought why not frame it for you? Now you can appreciate my work and stop complaining about your room being bare. I hope you like it ~ Your Jinnie"

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