Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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Hello lovely people! I'm back with another update!

As always, read at your own risk, I don't want any one being sad just because of someone's writing. Make sure to read the warnings and enjoy yourself. Also don't forget to drink some water and get some sleep, don't be a dumbass like me and pull all-nighters every other day.

English lines appear like this, korean lines appear like this, thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences, author notes appear like this.

Cursing, Kissing, Blood

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022

3:00 AM - 3:20 AM

Word Count: 1839



Damn, you are really hungry. Maybe starving yourself because you're too heartbroken wasn't a very good idea. I mean, that's what put you here, laying in bed, really hungry, but too tired to get up. 

Where is 'here?'

Well that's a great question. This mattress doesn't feel anything like the one in your room, which means that you must not be in your room.

Wow, great discovery.

You're just that smart.

Anyway, with that realization, pieces of what happened yesterday afternoon start coming back to you. The volume, the pain, the falling. And to think you actually started out that day with a good mood. It's almost laughable that the moment you thought everything would be fine, the ruthless piece of shit that's running your life decides to mess with you again.

Slowly, you extract yourself from whoever's bed you're laying on. After you decide that the sweats and t-shirt you're wearing is suitable to be seen in, you head out of the room and down into the kitchen, not bothering to check your current surroundings. From where you emerged in the hallway, you realize that you'd been in Minho's room.

I'm telling you, he's being too nice.

Maybe he is, maybe Minho is just another person trying to trick you into liking them so they can hurt you. But you don't want to think about that right now. All you want is food.

Once you step foot in the kitchen, the fact that you have to decide what food you want to eat hits you. So you traipse over to the fridge to see what it has inside. Some leftover rice, pickled radishes and cucumbers, some yogurt, fruit, and leftovers that the guys literally fight over every other day. You decide to have some yogurt and to put a little fruit in there so you can tell yourself it's healthier.

Once your tiny meal is all made, you start to walk to your room before realizing that whoever put you in Minho's room will probably wonder where the fuck you are if you're not there in the morning. A little note will fix that though, so you grab a sticky note and write "I returned to my room, thanks for taking care of me - Y/N".

Satisfied, you continue your path up the stairs but instead of going to your room, you hang a left and head to Minho's. His phone is sitting on the nightstand next to the bed you realize you had been sharing with him. With a shudder, you try to shake off that thought and place the sticky note on his phone so he'll hopefully see it when he wakes up.

Then, as quietly as you had entered, you leave again and cross the hall to your room, but before you can make it there, someone comes bursting out of a different door and barrels straight into you, hitting your forearm with something very sharp.

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