Real Goodbye

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Get ready for this one, it's a tear jerker. unless you're like me and never cry. 

i'm sorry if ur like me.

But here it is!!!!!!

English lines appear like this, Korean lines appear like this, thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences, author notes appear like this.

⚠️TW⚠️: Cursing, LOTS of crying, kissing, sensitive topics, mentions of sex

Timeline: Monday, October 21st, 2019 - Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

Word Count: 2193



Monday, October 21st, 2019
7:00 AM

"Hey! Wake up!" You yell, staring down at the abnormally cute face of Jisung as he sleeps.

Minho stands off in the corner of the bedroom. He watches, amused, as you try to wake the sleeping quokka. Getting impatient, you slap the side of Ji's face gently, which seems to finally do it. His eyes snap open as he swats your hand away.

"You know that's not a good way to wake people up." Minho says, pushing himself off the wall, and walking towards Ji.

"Well it worked," you spread your arms and shrug your shoulders. "Nothing else did, so I resorted to violence."

"I thought you believed in violence never being the answer." Jisung grumbles as you walk out of the room.

You'd prefer not to be in a bedroom with those two. Ever. They're very touchy, and for all you know are dating undercover. Which is somehow more explicit than normal dating.

Yeah, I want outta that.

The whole reason you're even in a scenario where it's possible to be with those two is because of Changbin. He was the one that invited you to stay overnight. He told you Felix and Chan needed someone, and you were the only person he could think of. One thing led to another and you just ended up never going back home. You weren't complaining though, you had a great time with them.

"Hey Y/N?" A voice calls you name.

You hum in response. Upon turning around, you see Woojin walking towards you, a troubled look on his face.

"Can we talk somewhere?" He asks, clearly hesitant.

"Of course," the two of you settle down in the living room on the couch. "What is it?"

"I feel like this is all my fault." He admits with a sigh.

"Why?" You look puzzled, trying to grasp what he's talking about.

"Just because I'm the one that's leaving. I made the decision, and - well you're seeing how it's affecting the guys." You simply nod, letting him continue. "I just don't wanna be the reason their sad or upset, but at the same time I'm dealing with way too much and I need a break."

"I think you should do what's best for your health. They'll be fine, they'll recover. Plus, it's not like you're never going to see them again." You lay a hand on Woojin, comforting him for the first time.

"Thanks. I'm glad you understand." He sniffs, placing his hand over yours.

"Of course, oppa." You bow your head, grabbing both of his hands in your smaller ones.

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