One Night Stand

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Heyo 👋 👋 I really didn't have to write this chapter but I'm doing it anyway for all you thirsty hoes out there. 🙄🙄 You're fucking welcome. 😇😇 So yeah 😎😎 Also, just appreciate the picture I gave to you, now u don't have to look it up. 😘😘 But seriously if u search up "hot Chan skz" in Pinterest it's- mmm🤌🤌 let's just say he doesn't look foive in those pics.

English lines appear like this
Korean lines appear like this
Thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences


Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022
8:45 PM - 9:05 PM

Word Count: 2425



It was supposed to be a normal Wednesday. The usual was happening, promotions, interviews, fan meetings, concerts. Those have been filling up my schedule for months now, and I've gotten used to it. Minho and Y/N's shared birthday celebration was a huge success and a lot of fun, actually the most fun I've had in a while.

But today was somehow different. For some reason the universe loves fucking with my life and it's always the people I'm closest to that get hurt the most.

8:45 PM

There's the lights, there's the music, there's the people, it drives every thought that dares enter one's mind out. For some people it's overwhelming and terrifying, but for me its different. I welcome the noise, the activity, it helps me forget my stress and worries. Plus, after party days I can always get some well deserved sleep.

Because of our full schedule, tonight has been the first free night in weeks, maybe longer. So that's how I ended up in a club with my so called "children".

Nobody here remembers who you are, if they even find out in the first place, making it the perfect place to get a couple drinks in. So many celebrities and idols congregate here it's so it's no surprise when one walks in on a random Wednesday night.

After one too many shots I'm a little more than just a little tipsy. With a stupid amount of confidence I turn to Y/N who's sitting next to me at the bar and ask "I'm gonna hit the dance floor if you care to join."

The song playing was one of the most sexually explicit songs I've ever heard and judging by the look I'm giving her, she probably knows what I want. Not that I care what she thinks, how could anyone resist me?

With a roll of her eyes and a wave of her hand, the silver haired goddess declines my offer. I, however, am unfazed and waltz onto the dance floor alone. Slowly, the music takes control of me and I'm swaying, body rolling, and thriving with the music.

My little bubble is burst sooner than expected when a girl with long black hair and a beautifully shaped body taps on my shoulder. When I turn she winks at me and says "you're a little hottie aren't you?" When I nod vigorously she lets out a laugh and smirks. "Why don't you come with me and see what I can do to hot guys like you."

Now before you go on judging me, I was drunk. Every rational thought takes a mini vacation the moment more than two shots get in my system. So when a hot girl suggests something to relieve my horny self, I'm going to take the opportunity without question.

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