Alone Time

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I started working on deleted chapters today! They will be located at the beginning of the story when I'm done with all of them, so look forward to that ig. Jay Why Pee Oppar is in this chapter so I'm hoping you'll think it's funny. I think the member's interactions with him are hilarious, so I tried to incorporate that into this chapter. Anyway, enjoy your time here! <3 <3 <3

English lines appear like this, korean lines appear like this, thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences, author notes appear like this.

⚠️TW⚠️: Cursing, Self Pleasure

Timeline: Saturday, December 10th, 2022, 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Word Count: 2609




Last night was eventful, wasn't it?

You and Seungmin ended up falling asleep on your bed while hugging each other, and you can't decide if that's sweet or weird. But Seungmin said it was sweet so you're going with that. You've also started to think of Seungmin and Minho as your sidekicks, or, more accurately, little brothers.

You're feeling oddly refreshed today, but hopefully that doesn't lead to another catastrophe like yesterday, you'd probably throw yourself into the Han river. The consequences of yesterday haven't even reached you, and that's why you're sitting in a meeting room, waiting for Park Jin-young to show up. Seungmin, Minho, and Chan are all here with you, but none of them will tell you what this is about, even though they clearly know. You're not stupid, however, and you're almost completely sure this is about your passing out episode from less than twenty four hours ago.

It'd been five minutes since the designated time the meeting was supposed to start when JYP decides to show up. The four of you stand and bow out of respect, but you dislike the man a lot. He just gets on your nerves, you can't explain it, but you can tell this meeting will be um... fun. Yeah, that's the right word. Fun.

"Why don't we get started, then?" JYP says as he motions for you all to sit down. "We all know why we're here, no?"

Shyly, you raise your hand, "I haven't been told, sir." Your face is burning with embarrassment. 

JYP looks at the other three men, disappointed. "One of you was supposed to tell her." He says the last part through gritted teeth.

Chan and Seungmin, but not Minho, bow a little in apology. Minho, however, doesn't make a move except to say "I decided not to tell her. I didn't want her to panic." His jaw is set in determination as he stares down the man opposite from him.

JYP goes to interject, probably with some petty insult, but Minho doesn't let him. "She's in a very fragile emotional state right now and NONE OF YOU COULD SEE THAT!" You see the tears start to form in his eyes as the man slams his fists down on the table and stands up. "I'm trying to help her right now. Not make this work and you-" His voice is dangerously quiet until it breaks. " You can't-" 

Sensing his internal struggle, you stand to look him in the eyes. "Minho, love. Hey..." You put your arms on Minho's. "Mirame... " {look at me...} Your voice is soothing, and - even though he can't understand you - he starts to calm down.

"It's okay. I guessed what this was about, and it turns out I'm right." Your eyes are locked as Minho let's a smile form on his face.

"You're always right, Y/N." He says with a laugh.

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