Only One

32 1 0

Yo yo yo!!!! Oim back bitches. Bet u missed me, huh?

Sorry, that was cringe. Idk why I'm like this, but it is what it is ig. I really hope you enjoy this lovely chapter, it's definitely my fav that I've written so far and hopefully you enjoy it. (Lucky for y'all, u don't have to wait a full week for the ending of the cliffhanger.)

English lines appear like this, korean lines appear like this, thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences, author notes appear like this

⚠️TW⚠️: Cursing, Nightmare (mention), fainting

Timeline: Monday, November 21st, 2022

2:15 AM - 8:05 AM

Word Count: 2273




What the actual fuck was that? It sounded oddly like Y/N. But why would she be screaming? It's the middle of the night.

Unless something happened to her...

Or is happening to her...

Whatever it is, I guess I have to go check up on her.

With a heavy sigh, I throw off the fluffy bed sheets that covered me and sit up in bed. In an effort to adjust to the darkness, and to clear the sleep from my head, I rub my eyes for a couple seconds before getting fully out of bed. The walk down the hallway seemed like hours as I run  so many different scenarios through my head of what could've happened to Y/N. When I reach her doorknob, I settle my racing mind down before softly knocking and sliding the door open.

With the door open, I can hear heavy breathing coming from in the bedchamber, probably Y/N. Heavy breathing means she's either scared, in tears, or physically tired. The breathing pattern isn't the jerky, sobbing, rhythm you'd hear from a crying person, it's steady - scratch that, steadily increasing - in speed, so I know it's not from exhaustion. That leaves the possibility that she's scared... probably.

When enough light floods into the room to allow Y/N to notice it, her head whips in my direction. When I look in her eyes, the darting uncertainty of where they're looking confirms my thoughts that she's terrified.

Nightmare. It has to be a nightmare.

"Wha-? Who- who are y- you?" Her voice sounds so weak, and at hearing it my heart may as well have ripped in half.

"It's Minho, Y/Nah. I heard you scream, I wanted to make sure you're safe." I whisper just loud enough so she can hear me.

Hearing that, she settles down a little and pats the bed next to her. With careful steps, I walk towards her and sit where she indicated me to. As she leans her head on my shoulder and I feel the tears dripping off her face and onto the fabric of my t-shirt all I want to do is make her feel better. I don't care what I have to do. Hell, I'd give her half of my own fucking soul. But seeing Y/N, the strongest person I know, crying into the shoulder of her younger brother? That breaks my heart.

After a couple minutes Y/N lifts herself up to look at me. "Can I tell you about the dream?" She asks me.

How could I say no? "Of course, princess."

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