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It's the last chapter!!!!!! 😭😭😭 I hope all of you reading had a lot of fun with this story, I know I had fun writing it!

I love you all thank you so much for reading this far!

Enjoy 💗💗

English lines appear like this, korean lines appear like this, thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences, author notes appear like this.

⚠️TW⚠️: Cursing, kissing, car accident, death

Timeline: Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023

Word Count: 2690




Not everyone's life can change for the better. Just like how some books can be judged by their cover. Everything happens for a reason. But what if that reason is to simply hurt people who have hurt others in the past?

It's February twenty-second, exactly four months since your twenty-fourth birthday. It's also four days until your one month anniversary. You and Chan are together still, in JYPE, at close to midnight. Both of you have stayed after hours in one of the bigger studios, not wanting to go through the trouble of transferring all the work you've been creating in the last three hours into a different computer (because God knows how much that'll fuck it up). It's been dark for hours, yet the two of you are still hard at work.

"Does this sound alright?" Chan rolls his chair back to give you space at the computer.

He's just finished rearranging some of the beats in the bridge of the new song you're working on. You listen to the track you've spent so long on as the music flows through your body. A beautiful piano melody runs on top of open guitar chords, one hell of a drum beat, and an extremely low base line.

You smile and sit back again once it's over. "It's beautiful."

A small "yes" comes from Chan before presses the save button.

Now all that's left to do is admire your work that took almost four hours to make.

The song's about you and Chan; more specifically your relationship that has changed both of your lives so much. The plan was to have this song ready for about halfway through your upcoming world tour so you can announce your relationship then. Chan got that idea today. The song may very well be done today.

After listening to the whole song you can't help but smile. "It's beautiful, Chan." You say as you both get out of your respective chairs to hug each other.

The hug is tight, warm, and so full of love. Being with Chan is unlike any kind of love you've ever experienced; you can't get enough of how he looks at you and treats you. It's easy to see the love Chan has for you; in his eyes, his actions, and most of all his words. Letting him go is simply not an option in your book, and you trust he feels the same. You've given everything to him, all your doubt, anxiety, he knows about it. The two of you can tell how the other one's feeling just after a glance, even if the other doesn't know it themselves.

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