The Walls Go Up

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So I remembered what the update was from last chapter 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ so that'll be at the end. 👍👍 I just hope you enjoy this one and feel free to comment or leave a vote. ☺️☺️

English lines appear like this, korean lines appear like this, thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences, author notes appear like this

⚠️TW⚠️: Cursing, nightmare

Timeline: Thursday, November 3rd, 2022 Monday, November 21st, 2022

Word Count: 2452





Why would he do that to you?

Why would he, when he knew full well how you both felt about each other?

Why would he when he knew your past and knew how'd you'd react to this?

Speaking of your past, that's what's been catching up with you this whole night. Somebody finally knocked you down and now you've been left alone to suffer the consequences, again. It's happened one too many times, you don't know why people do it to you so you've come to the conclusion that all people are either bitches, ass holes, or players. A mindset like that is either going to make you very successful with terrible mental health or crash your life along with your mental health. So far, you'd say you're successful, but that fame only quickens the invisible, exponential decrease inside of you.

Flashback: Thursday, February 14th, 2019


Valentines Day. It's cute, I guess. It never really was a big thing for me though, with my parents and all. Dating bans are always fun, especially as a senior in high school, surrounded by couples all the time. And I mean all the time. But, you know, I'll live.

Speaking of couples, there's a whole group of the "popular kids" I guess you'd say. Basically it's the whole football team dating the entire cheer squad and nobody really knows who's with who. But it's two of them coming at me now.

"Hey, honey! We heard you didn't have a date." It's Stephanie, which is good, she's one of the nice ones. I'd even say we're friends.

Stephanie is the only girl who I can confirm a name as her boyfriend. And that name happens to be Caleb, he's also really nice and we've had a couple conversations before.

"Oh, no I don't." I smile as they join me in my dreaded walk home. "Like usual, you know with the whole no boys rule and whatever." I put "no boys rule" in air quotes to emphasize that those are definitely not my words.

Caleb just glances at me as Stephanie replies with a simple "oh that's too bad" which should've been my first sign to get out of there as fast as possible. But, I'm just dumb and didn't take the hint or make any move to remove myself from that scenario.

At the very end of the hallway, the three of us are joined by Claire, Madison, Allie, Nick, Carson, and Brady, the bitchiest of the bitches. That was sign number two to not engage anymore with any of the mentioned names but again, apparently I wasn't all the way there that day. 

"So, since you don't have anyone to hang out with today, and I know you're like, in love with those Chinese boys or whatever. What do they call themselves, 'Stray Kids'? Yeah I think that's it. Anyway, we have a little surprise for you." Stephanie starts talking again once our little group makes it outside.

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