How'd I Get Here?

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Hey, I'm back. Here is another chapter for you. :D tee hee (i'm cringing why'd i type that?)


English lines appear like this, korean lines appear like this, thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences, author notes appear like this.

⚠️TW⚠️: Cursing

Timeline: Saturday, July 27th - Sunday, July 28th, 2019

Word Count: 2216



Saturday, July 27th, 2019
5:30 PM


The first thing you hear when you wake up is the ringtone of a cell phone. Your cell phone. Next, you feel someone prodding you in the shoulder, then the whole world spins into view as you finally wake up fully. You sit up straight so fast you feel your back crack in protest, the bothersome hand is quick to draw back as you shake the dizziness out of your head.

"Sorry, your phone was going off." A voice you recognize as Chan's apologizes.

"It's alright, mate. You're fine." You sigh and reach for your phone. The name Mrs. Potter shines across the screen as the ringtone continues to fill the room. "Do you mind if I take this?"

"Makes no difference to me, go on." Chan answers.

You pick up the phone, pressing the green button on the small screen.

Y/N, dear, are you there? Mrs Potter's voice is distorted coming through the speaker of your phone.

"Yes, I can hear you."

Oh, good. Are you coming home?

"Just about to, yeah. Sorry if I caused any worry."

That's alright, I just want to know you're safe.

"I'm all good, Mrs. Potter. I'll be back in probably five minutes."

Alright dear, dinner's ready and waiting.

"I can't wait! See you in five!"

Goodbye, dear.

"Bye." You end the call with a press of a button and sigh again, standing up.

"Leaving?" Chan asks, looking up from his phone.

"Yeah, my friends are waiting." You turn and walk towards the front door.

"Um, two things before you go," Chan gets up and follows you, leaning (very attractively) on the door frame from the entryway into the kitchen. "Yongbuk had to go back to the company but he wanted to give you his number, so I'm giving you his and mine. And the second thing: it'd probably be best if no one knew you were with us, wouldn't want anything leaked."

"Oh I understand, it's okay," You smile, taking the note he offered to you with what you assume are some phone numbers. "Have a nice day."

"Good bye, Y/N." You two bow at each other before you finally depart from the apartment.

{why does that sound funny?}

Sunday, July 28th, 2019
7:00 AM

Your can barely suppress your gasp as you look at the two images Felix just sent you. It's an image of you, fast asleep, laying your head on Chan's shoulder. Chan himself has a terrible blush rising from his cheeks to his ears and a small smile on his face. He's looking down at his phone but in the next one he's gazing at you with an even bigger smile. You can tell the pictures were hastily taken by the poor, blurry quality of the photo itself. But all that means is that Chan's captured actions are a hundred percent genuine.

When I Found MyselfWhere stories live. Discover now