It's a Date

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It's more lovey-dovey stuffffffffff! I hope some of y'all are excited about this shit, cause I sure am! Chan and Y/N's relationship takes a big turn in this chapter, and I'm very happy about it. We're sadly coming to a close on this book soon, but I hope y'all will be happy with the ending I have in mind. Anyway, enjoy the double update today!

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Korean lines appear like this
Thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences
Author notes appear like this.


Tuesday, January 10th, 2023
6:55 AM - 5:30 PM

Word Count: 2401



6:55 AM

"Why do you do this to me, Y/N?"

I've been pacing my room for the past five minutes, pathetically overthinking what to do about the situation I'm in. It's not even that big of a deal, Y/N just makes me want everything to be perfect for her; I want to be perfect for her. But nothing can be perfect. But it can damn well be close.

The thing is, I've just been informed that we get the day off today (we being myself, and the other eight members). Which means I have time to do what I've been wanting to do ever since Y/N and I made up: take her on a date. Two things, though. I'm afraid she'll reject me, or she won't like the date.

"Shit, shit, shit." I groan into my hands, "think, Chan."

I don't want to take her to the movies, that's too cheesy and not intimate enough for me. Plus, there're no good movies in theaters right now, and I sure as hell am not staying in the dorm alone with her.

Where else could we go?

What does she even like?

How can I make this perfect?

Endless questions float through my brain, which means there's only one thing to do. Y/N and I recently talked about reaching out to people when she needs help, so it's time for me to live what I preach and call somebody. The only question is who to call.


Of course.

I pick up my phone and dial in the dancer's number, not bothering to walk into the next room to talk to him.

When he picks up, his morning voice nearly scares me enough to hang up, but I calm my racing nerves.

"What do you need?" His low voice resonates through me.

"Wow, straight to the point, huh?" I breath out a laugh.

He sighs. "Hyungie, I'm tired. What is it?"

"One: we have the day off. And two:..." a deep breath, "IwannatakeY/NoutbutIdon'tknowwhere."

The words come out so fast, even I can't understand them.

"Woah, woah, woah." Lix says, helping to slow my mind down. "I can't understand you say it again."

Oh, he better not be messing with me right now.

Another deep breath. "I wanna take Y/N out... but I don't know where." My sentence is slower now, and able to be understood.

I can almost hear the smile on the younger's face when he answers. "Of course you do. I've been waiting for this conversation to come up for ages."

"You have?"

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