Old Relations

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Yoooooooo, ur not ready for this one!!!!

I had so much fun writing this, I hope u love it!!!!

English lines appear like this, korean lines appear like this, thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences, author notes appear like this.

⚠️TW⚠️: Cursing

Timeline: Friday, July 26th, 2019

Word Count: 2263



5:25 PM

"Yeah, I know, Chan." I sigh again. "It's not that big of a deal, I can do it with you if you want."

Chan looks back at me from his computer. "You will?"

"Fuck yeah," I say, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Why not?"

"Alright then," I see his mood instantly lighten. "Let's do this shit."

Chan's been wanting to do a VLive for a couple days now, but he's somehow either has been too busy or "doesn't have the mentality for it". I felt so bad yesterday, I tried to talk him into it, but he couldn't hold back his tears enough to even respond. I left it alone until he brought it back up again five minutes ago, and I'm glad he's brought himself to do it.

After about twenty minutes of just talking with STAYS I come across a comment I wasn't expecting.

"Lix, who's that friend you were talking about yesterday?" I read out loud.


"Oh, Lix, the interview was released yesterday." Chan reminds me."

"Ah, thanks mate."

After thinking for a second a name surfaces in my head: Y/N. I knew her in Australia, having met her when I was three years old and knowing her until she moves when I was five. We shared almost everyday together after we met at the park one hot weekend. My mother loved our friendship, she thought we were the cutest thing. Her parents always seemed a bit... off, like they didn't like me. Not to mention the fact that there was no warning to their move, just one day Y/N wasn't there, her house was empty, and my mother said they'd left not long before I got there.

"I remember!" I raise my head back up and smile after clapping my hands once. "I knew her when we both used to live in Australia, I'm not gonna say a name but we had so much fun together. Hey, if you're listening you know who you are, I miss you and hope you're well! And remember what we always said, together forever until forever ends."


7:00 AM
That morning


Your alarm blares in your ears, snapping you awake. Breathing heavily, you quiet the noise and rub the sleep from your eyes.

"Uno màs día" {one more day} You don't remember a day since you were about thirteen that you haven't said that to yourself at one point during your waking hours.

With a heavy sigh you swing your legs off of the double bed and onto the floor. Then you grab your phone and headphones off the nightstand and search for your music.

Victory song blasts in your ears as you tramp down the stairs into the kitchen where you see Maddie already working.

"Watcha doing?" You ask, approaching the island with close to silent footsteps.

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