Gone For One Minute

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Do you ever get in itch that's like inside of your hand? Yeah? Well that's what I'm experiencing and it's fucking annoying. What do you even do? My dumbass just sticks my hand on my mouth and bites at the itch but it's not fucking working. I need help.

Sorry. Fucking hell, I'm dramatic. Anyway, I have nothing else to say, enjoy the chapter

English lines appear like this, korean lines appear like this, thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences, author notes appear like this.


Tuesday, January 10th, 2023

Word Count: 2293



12:15 PM

Lunch time. The time of day that's so awkward for no reason.

Today, and for the last month, there's no Minho, and no Y/N.

I still haven't figured out if they're absence is making this time of day better or worse, but I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say it's worse without them.

Y/N's conversation she had with me the day before she left has also been bothering me for the last month. She made me promise before she left that I wouldn't tell Chan about her feelings for him and how he fucked everything up. 

But is that really the right thing?

Truthfully, I have no idea.

After getting hit in the hand with the flat of a butter knife (thanks a lot, Jeongin), I decide it's probably best if I stop zoning out. A couple of rude gestures and mutterings are made towards the little bastard, but I rejoin the conversation eventually.

"Thank you. God, Seungmin, I thought we'd lost you." Someone please tell me why Hyunjin is so dramatic.

"Yeah, whatever." I grumble before picking up another bite of food, this time making sure to pay attention to what they're saying.

"Anyway, Seungmin. I asked if you were excited to see noona and Minho Hyung again." Changbin says, wildly gesturing with a whole chicken leg.

"Fuck yeah, Minho Hyung never fails to entertain me, and I don't know how much longer Noona can last without me." I wiggle my eyebrows a bit and wink at Changbin.

Jisung fakes a gag and Chan basically chokes when I say that. I just glare at the latter and continue eating my food while Changbin carries the conversation on. Most of it's about my abilities in bed (which are wonderful, in case you were wondering), and how likely Y/N would be to hook up with me (which isn't very likely, ew). One thing leads to another and now Jeogin and Felix are debating whether or not Jisung is a top or bottom and I'm stuck in between the two.

Jisung, who's been just sitting while Felix and Jeongin argue, interveens saying he's a switch which shuts the two of them up pretty quickly, and Hyunjin asks Chan a question that changes the rest of his fucking life. No exageration.

"Channie Hyung, you never said if you were excited to see noona again."

With his  chopsticks halfway to his mouth, Chan freezes and I see the blush crawling up his cheeks and into his ears. He swallows hard before answering "yeah, I'm glad she's coming back. She probably won't be very happy to see me though." With an awkward laugh he continues eating.

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