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This part takes place after "(trying to be) professionals" and before "Caught" enjoy. 😏😏


Monday, June 1st, 2020
9:30 PM - 10:45 PM



"Hippie tree huggers" Felix snorts as he follows you into his shared bedroom.

"Yeah," you laugh "that's what my English teacher always used to say. God I won't miss that man." Walking into the room, you settle on your knees on Felix bed, facing him as he enters behind you.

The day has been successful. Your first ever music video has been recorded and you're feeling great. Tired, but great.

Felix saunters over to his dresser and pulls out sweats and a t-shirt. "A little courtesy here! I'm tryna change, mate."

You comply and become more courteous by simply face-planting on the bed. This results in your ass sticking up in the air, which is the first thing Hyunjin sees when he enters. Followed by a naked Felix.

"Someone get me the eye bleach." He sarcastically mutters, too tired for drama right now.

You just laugh and get up to leave. But before you make it out of the door you remember something from that morning. Turning to Hyunjin, you whisper "just remember, Felix can't take his eyes off you at all."

Hyunjin just smirks and nods, a signal for you to leave. It only takes ten seconds for the click of the lock to make its way to your ears.


So it is true. I've been spying Felix out of the corner of my eye all day, staring at me. I was wondering if it was my fantasies getting the better of me or if it was really true. Following Y/N to the door, I lock it only to find a fully closed Felix when I turn around.

~(ish, it's not bad here)

Disappointed, I walk over to the younger sitting on the edge of his bed and settle myself on his lap, my hands going to his shoulders and subtly splaying across the collar bone. "What is Y/Nie talking about?" Felix asks, a little flustered at my actions.

"Apparently you couldn't keep you eyes off me today." I whisper in his ear. My hands then go to his neck applying a slight pressure at times.

This draws a gasp from the blonde as he struggles to answer my accusation.

"This can go one of two ways." I say, straightening my posture so I can look down at Felix. "One, you admit your feelings for me and we have a long, heartfelt conversation about it. Or two" my mouth moves one again to his ear, "I'll fuck the shit out of you until you can barely move after you confess your undying lust for me."

When I straighten back up again Felix is smirking at me. He cocks his head slightly to my left and says, "I'm liking number two."

~(now it's pretty bad but nothing too bad)

And with that the younger man thrusts his face up at me and captures my lips in a kiss. His small hands cup my face and trap me there, connected with him. The kiss is not an intimate, 'I love you so much' kiss but more an 'I want you so much' kiss. With out hesitation, I return the kiss, moving my tongue against his bottom lip, a signal for him to open his mouth. Felix listens and I immediately start to explore with my tongue.

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