1. First Day of School

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There are some characters that you might not know, to have a better understanding you can read my other Haikyuu stories, but you don't have to. All my Haikyuu Fanfiction Series stories relate with each other.

Please Enjoy :D


Sakura POV

My name is Sakura Hirai and I'm starting my first year in Karasuno High School. Starting off high school is like the beginning of a new adventure. After my terrible experience in middle school, I think that high school is a new chance to change myself for the better. By better, I mean trying to not stand out in anything I do. I sit down for the opening entrance ceremony and hear the chattering of all the first-year boys and girls around me.

I look at the stage and ignore the noise from around me. I sigh. This morning I came to school just to look around the campus. However, some boys tried to talk to me. Instead of putting on a fake smile and sweet facade, I pretended that they didn't exist. After all, I wouldn't want to waste my time with them.

Some girls nearby notice my interaction with the boys and began talking in their little groups about me. Not this again. I walk ahead of them. I used to be a friendly girl everyone loved, but not anymore. I'm just seen as an average quiet girl. There is no need to talk to anyone or bring any attention to me. I guess the reason why I enrolled in Karasuno High School is to run away. I'm not going to lie to myself, I don't need any friends. I am running away from my past and I don't ever plan to remember it.

"Welcome to Karasuno High School," the principal announces and the audience cheers loudly while I cover my ears from all the noise. During the principal's boring introduction, multiple students either fell asleep or took out their phones to pass the time.

I was daydreaming until I heard one sentence that made me a bit annoyed. "To all of the new freshmen, you must join a club," the principal speaks into the microphone, "it is mandatory because we want everyone to have an unforgettable high school experience and the best way to do that is to be involved in our school."

Seriously, he must be joking. He continues to talk, but I just stopped listening. I don't want to be involved with anyone. To be exact, I don't want to be near anyone.

From my right side, I feel a happy aura illuminating out of a ginger-haired boy, whose eyes were shining with joy. Is he this excited for school? Does he want to be involved in a club that badly? I can't relate.

My eyes widened when I realized that I had been staring at him.

"Hi, my name is Hinata Shoyo! What's your name?" He cheerfully says with a big smile plastered on his face. I turn away from him so he can take the hint that I didn't want to talk to anybody right now. But he doesn't notice and continues talking to me.

"What's your name? What club are you going to join?" He continues to talk to me and the students around us start to take notice. So much for trying to ignore him.

"My name is Sakura Hirai," I answer, "I'm not sure what club I'm going to join." It was true, I was just going to have to find a club with barely any members and hide along in the sideline.

"I'm going to join the volleyball club," He says, eyes beaming with so much happiness that it blinded my eyes. Wait, he doesn't seem like a volleyball player. Technically he's too short to be playing volleyball. I glance at him, he's my height!? He doesn't even seem that strong either.

"Why do you play volleyball? This school's volleyball team isn't even that good compared to Aobajosai High or Shiratorizawa Academy," I asked him. I wanted to know why he can be so happy about this volleyball club.

"The Small Giant," he says a huge grin on his face, "I want to play volleyball in this school, it can't be any other school."

My eyes widen seeing the determination that he has to be in the volleyball club. "That's nice. I wish you the best."

He's a little strange, but quite ambitious huh?

Once the speech finishes, Hinata grabs his things and runs out of the entrance hall as fast as a lightning bolt. "Bye Sakuraaaaa!" He screams as he runs away. I didn't ask him where he was going. Yet knowing him, he's probably going to go to the gymnasium to join the volleyball team.

As I walk out of the assembly room and into the hallways, I see the other clubs trying to attract new freshmen to join their club. The colorful posters along with the screams from students wanting them to join their clubs just made me not want to be noticed.

I quickly walk away to avoid anyone's gaze toward me. Then suddenly, I accidentally bump into someone. "I'm sorry", I say as I look up and see a beautiful 3rd-year girl with glasses and a beauty mark near her mouth. She's so pretty--I can't believe there's someone like that in our school. I noticed that she dropped her papers on the floor. I quickly picked up the papers that she dropped and give them to her.

"Sorry," I say and zoom out of there before she could reply. After getting out of the crowd, I look around the hallways. Where am I? Where is class 1-4 for the first years?

I felt a tap on my shoulder and jerked back a bit. "I'm sorry to scare you, but do you need help?" I turn to see an older guy with his hair tied in a bun. He had some facial hair on his chin. Is he a third year?

"Do you know where class 1-4 is for the 1st years?" I awkwardly ask him. Not exactly a great way for me to start my year.

"Just go down three floors, because this is where all the 3rd year classes are," he gives me directions on how to get back to my class.

I quickly walked towards the direction the Senpai had pointed out to me. As I walked, I felt a gush of wind against me as someone dashed towards the opposite direction. I heard him yell to someone named Asahi, but I got out before any commotion could happen.

Ding ding

Crap, the bell rang. I'm going to be late. "I can't be late on my first day of school," I thought to myself and sprint to class. After running through the halls, eventually, I arrive at class 1-4. "Sakura Hirai, present!" I say as all the eyes turn towards me. I hate this attention.

"Sakura it's your first day of school and you are late already," the teacher shakes her head, "You sit right behind Tsukishima Kei." I walk over to my desk and hear a chuckle coming from Tsukishima.

"Late girl" he gives me a snarky smirk as I sit down. He frustrates me so much. The boy to the right of me nods his head along with him. I take my seat and try to catch up with the lesson.

Once school was over, I went to my locker to put away my textbooks. When I opened the locker, a picture fell out of it onto the ground. It was a picture of me smiling in front of the school with cherry blossoms falling from the trees.

On the back, it said, "Please join the photography club in Rm 110!" There is a signature on the bottom right corner of the picture, but it was so messy that I couldn't read the handwriting.

I look at the photo again. This is a nice picture, I don't know why, but I felt like it captured myself in a way I never expected to see. Maybe the photography club won't be that bad, I mean it's just picture taking, conversations aren't necessary to be in this club. I grab my backpack and my bicycle. As I biked back to my house on my bicycle, I didn't know at the time that this was the start of a huge change in my life.

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