39. Opening Up

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Nishinoya POV
(At dinner table)

Yawwwnnnn~ I stretch my body after a long day of practice. To summarize our whole practice today...So many flying falls. Besides our last match, we had to do flying falls for every single match we lost...We lost almost all of them. It's to the point I'm just asking for some rest. I grab a plate of food and drool over the delicious food.

"Noya! Come over here!" Tanaka calls out and I snap out of my trance of hunger.

"Sure, Tanaka. What is it?" I shout back. I come over to see Yamamoto sitting beside him with eyes of admiration.

"Noya, tell Yamamoto about how you tried to talk to Shimizu!" Tanaka says to me and my eyes shine in joy, reminding me of my daring move in the beginning of the school year.

"Yamamoto! It's true that when I tried to talk to Shimizu, I got slapped hard on the right cheek," I point to the cheek and he gapes in amazement.

"Master!" Yamamoto praises me like a god and bows down to me.

"Aw, thanks, but you don't have to call me that! But it does have a nice ring to it~" I shrug it off with a cheeky smile.

"No, please let me call you master! If you have the guts to talk to Shimizu, then you can talk to any girl easily!" Yamamoto praises and I twitch hearing his words.

"Not any girl..." I think to myself and take a glance at Sakura who's happily talking to her new friends at the dinner table. I can't even have a complete conversation with her anymore without blushing or stuttering. I sigh in thought and Yamamoto notices.

"Master, what's wrong!?" Yamamoto cries out and Tanaka laughs.

"Noya's just tired from practice. Our whole team is exhausted after practice," Tanaka pats me on the back and I go along with his excuse.

"That's right, but I'm so strong that I don't need any rest at all!" I loudly laugh and Tanaka laughs along with me.

"Noya, Tanaka, what's so funny?" Tomoyo asks as she comes over with a girl I played a few games with. Haruka, from Fukurodani Academy.

"We were just talking about how we aren't tired from practice at all~" Tanaka proudly answers.

"I'm surprised. You lost all your games and had to do so many flying falls," Haruka bluntly states and Tomoyo starts laughing hard.

"Hahahahaha! Nice one Haruka," Tomoyo compliments and high-fives Haruka.

Tanaka and I look at each other then at them confused. Since when did they become so close? I turn to Yamamoto, whose eyes are sparkling, but his mouth silently quivers afraid of saying something. "D-Do y-you want to e-e-e-e-eat with us?" he shyly asks the two girls.

"Oh sorry~ I'm going to eat with Haruka and Fukurodani's team," Tomoyo happily answers and Yamamoto turns to stone. The poor soul...At least he tried... "Oh Noya, I wanted to talk to you about something. Haruka you can go on ahead," Tomoyo tells her and Haruka nods her head.

"Sure, I'll see you there," Haruka waves and heads to the table with her team. Once she leaves, a smirk appears on Tomoyo's face as she pulls me along to the hallways with no one in sight.

"Noya's so lucky that a girl pulled him aside!" I hear Yamamoto cry out as I head out of the cafeteria with Tomoyo.

"So Noya~" Tomoyo nudges me with her elbow and a sly smile. "Have you gotten to talk to Sakura at all on this trip?" Tomoyo asks me and I flinch hearing her words. Why is she asking me about my love life!? I turn my head the other way to avoid her gaze, but she giggles seeing my reaction. "You think that you're hiding your blushing, but I can see that your ears are red," she points to my ears and I try to cover them.

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