54. Ice Lemonade

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Sakura POV
(At Stardust Cafe)

I sit down at the cafe table and take a sip of my ice lemonade as I check my text messages from Yuu on my phone. Apparently they won against their first team already, but now they're playing with a team who has a player who's two meters. That's crazy, how can someone be two meters?! Here I thought Lev from Nekoma was tall, but there's someone even taller than him. I receive another text with Yuu.

<We'll win this!>

He sends another message after that with him and Tanaka taking a selfie before their next match. I chuckle seeing their goofy selves on the screen.

Kaiji's right, there's no need to worry. Karasuno will win this. Not just the boys, but the girls will win this too.

"Sakura! I'm sorry I'm late!" Mihane rushes over to my table.

"It's not a problem," I tell her, "I haven't been waiting for long." I give her an okay sign. Mihane giggles and gives me a big hug.

"I should say the same to you," she grins. "I've been waiting to have an actual hangout with you ever since I moved, but we never really got in contact with each other until now and the Interhigh Preliminaries doesn't count," she says with a pout and I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck.

"Well, there were a lot of problems back in the past, but I'm better now," I reassure her, "I made friends now, so there's no need to overthink it. It's all in the past."

"...That's true, but..." I notice Mihane hesitate, but she shakes her head and slams the table much to my surprise. "Sakura, is it okay if I tell you my situation? It's to the point that I don't know what to do and I need advice from someone who's in a normal relationship and knows these kinds of things!"

"Normal?" I tilt my head. "Sure, I mean, what's your problem? I know it's serious because you didn't text me any emojis," I tell her and her eyes widen.

"I didn't? I always do, don't I?" she questions. I shake my head and show her the text message she sends me. I watch Mihane's face go from surprised to completely shocked as she melts down to the ground. "I didn't think I was thinking that much!" She rises back from her puddle state.

"It's okay, I'm all ears," I tell her again and she cries tears of joy.

"Thanks Sakura. I know I can trust a friend like you! The truth is, I'm stuck in that love square problem that shoujo mangas have!!! I thought it wasn't real, but it is--" Mihane says at a rapid speed and I sweatdrop.

"You need to speak slower, Mihane, I can't understand you. Take a deep breath," I tell her. She takes a couple of deep breaths and finally calms herself down.

"Ever since I was little, and even now...I've always liked boys," she passionately says with a straight face.

I look at her with a deadpan expression. "Everyone who hangs out with you back in middle school knows that. Especially me. Remember in middle school, we would literally hide in bushes to stalk guys. That's pretty creepy Mihane. I hope you're not doing that anymore," I tell her in a somewhat joking manner and I watch her sweat bullets. Seriously!

"Mihane!" I tell and she quickly denies it.

"I don't stalk anyone, okay? I'm watching over them like an angel," she tells me and I shake my head.

"No, it's the same," I respond back. A moment from the past comes back and I start to laugh. "I still remember the time when I came back to get us some drinks, the gardener was watering the bush and you at the same!" I burst out laughing, "You still haven't learned from your mistakes."

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