7. Rolling Thunder!!!

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Sakura POV
(Next Day- After school)

After class ended, I head to my locker to put my textbooks away and grab my camera equipment. I turn on my camera to make sure it isn't out of battery. I sigh. I can't believe I forgot to charge the camera.

"Huuoouuaahaaa," I yawn. Talking to Nishinoya yesterday made me think a lot about the team. I didn't get any sleep last night and I got distracted in class. Tsukishima even took the opportunity to mess with me during class and I didn't even notice.

I keep telling myself that I'm only a photographer for this club and nothing more. If I keep worrying I might go bald.

The camera shutter opens as it turns on...Half charged, that's fine. It's enough to survive for today.

"Yeaaah!!!" I hear Hinata's voice. From the corner of my eye, I see Hinata and Kageyama running to the gym for their club activities. I seriously wonder if they always race to the gym like that.

"Sakura! Are you coming to the gym today?" Hinata waves while he's running and Kageyama waves along with him.

"I have to go to the photography club today," I shout to him. The two of them came from the 3rd year building. I wonder why they would go there. They slow down and stop and I jog up to walk with them. "Did something happen?"

"We went to see Asahi," Kageyama answers straightforwardly.

"Oh...How did it go with Asahi?" I ask and immediately regret asking that. Their expressions became gloomy once I asked about it. Did I ask the wrong question? Kageyama clears his throat and answers me.

"We are gonna try talking to him again tomorrow," Kageyama states out loud. Hinata's face lights up and he nods.

After they left, I decide to go to the photography club classroom. There are times when I shouldn't get involved with people, and this is one of those times. I gave advice to Nishinoya yesterday, and that's enough involvement for me. I don't want to dig myself a deeper hole.

(In the photography club)

Today, we're supposed to have a meeting, but from scanning the classroom I only see Rina and Sota here today. Without Natsuki's dangerous aura and Touya's carefree personality, the club actually feels somewhat normal. The three of us can easily talk about our assignments and we can actually get some work done. It's nice, but I miss Touya and Natsuki...it's not the same without them.

"Where's Touya and Natsuki?" I ask Rina.

"Touya drives to Aobajohsai High to check up with his sister-in-law every 2 weeks," Rina answers me as she eats a foot-long sandwich. This girl sure can eat, and she has such a small body...I'm jealous, but where does it all go?

Sota stops typing on his laptop when he overhears our conversation. "Natsuki told me during class that she couldn't attend the club meeting because she had some business to take care of."

"Do you miss Touya and Natsuki?" Rina asks me. Was it that obvious!?

"Yeah...I haven't seen them in a while," I hesitantly reply. It's true, I haven't been in the club for a while due to being in charge of the boys' volleyball team.

"This club is empty without them," Sota sighs. "It's even more quiet compared to when Tomoe and Tomoyo had to stop club activities due to their low grades."

"That's true, hearing Tomoyo and Tomoe always bicker like an old married couple was always entertaining." Rina laughs as she thinks back to the past.

Sota and Rina are talking about the Tsukinose siblings. Natsuki mentioned that Tomoe was returning to club activities soon and taking over the girls' volleyball team. I wonder if that's true. "Is Tomoe coming back next week?" I ask them.

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