8. Just your Average Photographer

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Sakura's POV
(Next Day After School ~ In the photography club)

"Sota, here's the speedlight," I hand him the camera speedlight that I had to search for yesterday.

"Thanks Sakura, I'm glad you found it," Sota sighs in relief. Natsuki arrives and overhears our exchange.

"Found what yesterday?" Natsuki asks us with a bag of food and drinks in her hand.

As I am about to answer, Sota quickly covers my mouth. "Nothing," Sota quickly answers.

"Okay then..." She doesn't ask more about what she heard, and surveys the classroom only to see the two of us. "Where's Touya and Rina?" She questions. She sips on her strawberry milk and checks her cellphone for something.

"Rina texted me that she might be late because of a school project, while Touya is still visiting Misaki at Aobajohsai High," Sota answers.

"Oh, you mean Misaki Hoshina, the sister-in-law that Touya is obsessed with for some reason," Natsuki says with a blunt tone.

"Yep," Sota answers and adjusts his camera speedlight to his camera. "Hey Sakura, I'm going to take a picture of you to make sure the speedlight works. "He gestures to me to move to the right.

"Okay," I follow his instructions, however, without warning, the door opens and hits my head.

"Oww! Sota did you plan that?!" I shout at him. Natsuki snickers after watching me get hit by the door. "It's not funny at all," I say feeling irritated.

"Hi guys," Rina greets us as I rub where my head was hit.

"I'm sorry I'm late," she bows her head down. "My partner, Asahi, still had some hesitations about the project, but I eventually persuaded him to use my ideas," Rina grumbles.

<I'm glad I'm not him> We all think as we listen to her. But is Rina talking about the Asahi that is in the volleyball team?

"Do you know Asahi from the volleyball team?" I ask her. Hinata and Kageyama were talking about how they were trying to persuade him to rejoin the club. But for Rina to know him too... This school is so small.

Rina gives me a smug look. "Asking me who he is? I sit next to him in class. He's such a wimp though. He barely voices his opinions, so I have to do all the thinking."

While Rina speaks, it seems like her nose is growing longer. "Besides, you met him on the first day of school when you were lost. I was about to help you, but you asked Asahi instead."

Rina hands me a list of places in the school, "Sakura, I would like you to take pictures of the school grounds in place of Touya." Even if her expression was sweet, you could tell she was angry that the club president was not here.

"Sota, you can help her too, I'm sure she will get the hang of it after someone teaches her. In contrast to taking pictures of moving people, buildings are easier to manage." She gives a wink and kicks me and Sota out of the classroom.

With the help of Sota, I take some pictures of the buildings that Rina instructed. Once I got the hang of taking photos, Sota left me for his own task that Rina assigned him. He apologized that he couldn't help much longer, but I let him go. After all, his job isn't to babysit me.

"Rina is going to kill me if she doesn't like these pictures," I murmur as I walk around the school grounds. I walk on the school fields and see someone sitting down looking at the view.

I walk closer to this person. From the side, I can see that it was a boy with a bun and some facial hair. That's Asahi right!? I could recognize him as the 3rd year who also helped me find my class on the first day of school.

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