56. Sour Citrus

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Sakura POV
(Last of 7th grade- Mihane's Last Day on Minami-San Middle School)

"Wahhh!!! I'm going to miss you guys!" Mihane tightly hugs me and I try to get out of her strong grasp. Once she releases me, I gasp for some air and watch Mihane tightly hug the rest of her friends. Today is the last day of school for our second year in middle school and Mihane's last day here. A week before, she told us how she had to attend Kitagawa Daiichi next year due to her parents' work, so Yuuko decided to host a farewell party in her house.

"Please don't forget about me, you guys!" Mihane cries out.

"Of course not Mihane. No one's as unique as you," Yuuko says with a smile. "We couldn't forget you even if we tried," she shrugs.

"That's right," Shiro adds in and glances over to me then back at Mihane. She takes her phone out and smiles. "Why don't we exchange numbers? That way we can always communicate with each other," she says and Mihane's eyes sparkle.

"That's perfect Shiro! You're such a genius! I can't believe I didn't think about texting in the first place!" Mihane happily says taking out her phone, "Let's exchange numbers!"

My heart sinks as I watch all the girls crowd around the table. I never thought I would need to have a phone in middle school. I awkwardly stand away from everyone else and watch everyone crowd around Mihane trying to get her phone number. I accidentally catch Shiro's attention and I can see the sly grin on her face in the satisfaction of seeing me alone.

I grit my teeth and tightly clench my fist trying to keep my frustration inside of me. Being close to everyone, yet different from everyone. I used to think it wasn't that bad, but I was wrong. I didn't think it would be this painful.

"Sakura, are you going to switch numbers?" I jolt back from the sudden view of a long black hair girl that ends up being Yuuko. "If you don't go now, you're never going to get her number," she tells me and I shake my head.

"I don't have a phone," I sadly answer.

"That's fine Sakura," I hear a voice and watch Mihane squeeze herself out of the crowd and come towards me. "It doesn't matter if you have a phone or not. Why not mail letters to each other back and forth like in the old days?" Mihane grins. "I promise that I'll write to you every week. So how about we do that instead~?" Mihane suggests with a wink.

"O-of course," I happily agree and write my address down on a piece of paper for Mihane. I hand Mihane my address and hear someone clap their hands together.

I look over to see Shiro."That's great Sakura, even if you don't have a phone you can still communicate with Mihane," she says with the fake smile that I've seen too much of in the one year that I got to know her.

If she wants to play like that then I have no choice. "Thanks," I fake a smile back, not wanting to bring any conflict between me and her to the others around us.


(The start of the third year in middle school)

A new year has already started faster than a blink of the eye and right now I'm only a year away from taking a big step into high school. I walk into the school and find Yuuko talking with her basketball teammates near the basketball gym. I give her a small wave and she smiles back. She talks to her basketball mates then runs to talk to me.

"Sakura, do we have class together? I'm in Class 3-A." Yuuko asks me and I shake my head.

"No. I'm in Class 3-C," I tell her and she purses her lips thinking about something and then snaps her fingers.

"Oh, you have a class with Shiro then," Yuuko points out. "She told me that she was in Class 3-C too." She smiles, but I automatically flinch in response to hearing her name. I try to recover from it, but Yuuko catches it. "Is something wrong?" she questions and I immediately shake my head.

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