34. Yachi Hitoka

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Sakura POV
(In the photography club)

Knock Knock

I knock a few times waiting for someone to open the door, but no one does so. Hm, that's strange. I know Rina's always on time to the photography club. I turn the knob and open the door to see Sota's and Touya's backpacks on the desk. I guess I missed them.

I drop my bag on the floor and sit down on the couch. My eyes roam around the classroom waiting for them to come back, and I eventually see the pictures on the wall that include the recent group picture of our club. There are pictures that I've never seen before that were probably pictures of different clubs, activities, and events in the school before this year. I take a close look at last year's pictures in the photography club. Wow~These pictures in the photography club seem so foreign to me. There's one person in the picture I don't know.

In the picture, there's a boy with jet black hair and a silly smile on his face as he ruffles Rina's hair and pulls Natsuki into the picture. His face has handsome features and his natural charisma really stands out in the group. He must be the original president and founder for this club, Kaiji Udai. I've heard his name mentioned a couple of times here, but I know nothing about him. He seems like a cool person though. Maybe I'll get to meet him one day and ask him for advice on photography. I skim through the other pictures and the door opens with Sota and Touya holding stacks of papers.

"Hey, Sakura," Sota greets and comes over with fliers, "Here are some fliers for the photography club. Can you come with us to the first years' building to pass them around and hang them?" he asks and hands me a stack.

"Oh, sure," I answer and take the papers from his hands, "what about the second years' building?"

"Tomoe and Tomoyo have those spots, but I might have to check up on them," he sighs, "I doubt there will be many people wanting to join in their second years, but we'll see," he says and Touya pops up behind him.

"Were you looking at the pictures on the wall?" he asks with sparkling eyes.

"Oh yeah, I was, actually. I noticed the picture of the photography club from last year with the previous president of this club," I point out and the two of them smile.

"Those pictures sure do bring back good memories," Touya closes his eyes thinking back to those days, "Kaiji was a great president for this club," Touya says, "The five of us here today wouldn't have gotten to know each other if it weren't for his friendliness and outgoing personality. After all, we did different things, but with photography, we all came together," he smiles.

"That's right, Kaiji was always in control as president. He could tame Rina, keep Natsuki on her good side, and stop the arguments between Tomoyo and Tomoe," Sota says all knowingly.

"That's amazing," I gape in amazement for the president I've never met before.

"Yeah. Kaiji's a person everyone respects, unlike a certain president who can't do anything," Sota smirks and Touya's mouth drops as he turns to dust.

I watch Touya sulkily walk to the corner of the room. Sota's words must've really hurt Touya. "Is he okay?" I ask Sota and he shrugs.

"I'm sure he is," he says and sits down in his chair. "Doesn't matter anyways. It's Touya after all," Sota comments, "I'm going to print out all the photos we took during this semester." He turns on the computer and spins back to me. "Can you take sad little Touya with you to the first years' building?" he asks and I nod my head.

"Sure, Sota!" I tell him and he smiles.

"Thanks, Sakura. When Rina's not here, I have to be second in command, aka the dependable one in the group," Sota cracks his knuckles and starts speedily typing on the computer as the pictures start loading on the computer.

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