22. Reflexes

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Sakura POV 

I watch Nishinoya receive the ball and snap a picture of him. "Good," I smile. I've been doing better at taking pictures. It might be because of all the practice I had. I take a glance at Natsuki, who quietly sits on the bench watching the ball, but at the same time watches the players' movements.

"Natsuki, what do you think of Nekoma so far?" I ask as I watch Nekoma's libero receive Kageyama's serve.

Natsuki opens the notebook on her lap and turns her attention to me. "The team is really normal compared to other teams. However, I would say that Nekoma is well-balanced when it comes to skill. Compared to us, they are more in sync with each other." She says as she takes some notes in her notebook.

"Wow, Natsuki. You know so much about volleyball," I say in awe of her knowledge and perception in volleyball. She doesn't even know how much of a coach she sounds like, does she? I heard from Tomoyo and Kageyama that she was a good setter or something like that, yet she's in the photography club and not on the volleyball team.

"It's just from past experience. I used to be the captain on my junior high team and played at the Youth World Championship before," Natsuki says as she unwraps her straw and sticks it into the milk carton, " I've been playing ever since I was little, so I know that much at least."

Being a captain and getting into Youth World Championships in middle school...That's crazy! "Those are huge accomplishments! You're like a volleyball prodigy, what are you doing here?! You should be out there playing!" I shout in astonishment and Natsuki tightens her grip on the milk carton.

"Sakura, please watch what you say. You're not in the position to tell me what I should be doing," she glares at me, "Take pictures or watch the game. There's no need to mention about me when these guys are the ones playing right before your eyes," her anger silences me and I quietly watch the game and realize that she's right.

They are just as amazing as they give it their all. I need to give it my all too! I'm ready to take out my camera but notice it wasn't in my hands. I turn to Natsuki who was going through the pictures that I took.

"Can I have my camera back?" I ask her and she sighs.

"Don't take so many pictures. At this rate, you'll run out of data before the second set," She says and begins deleting more than half of my pictures.

...Were they that bad?! I can't understand her. Sometimes we get along but if I don't watch what I say she gets angry at me. It's like walking on a landmine.

Together, we watch the first set of the game with Nekoma winning the first set with a score of 25-22.

"I hope Karasuno can win this," I tell Natsuki, gripping her sleeve. I'm so nervous, I want them to win. The score was so close. She removes my hand from her sleeve, but instead of irritation, there's a calm expression on her face.

"Our opponents shouldn't be underestimated. No one should be, and both coaches think the same," Natsuki observes the opponents as the second set starts.

Right now, everyone's fired up and ready to win. Tanaka's burst of energy helps him with his powerful spike that shoots past the opponents. Tanaka and Nishinoya kneel down and start chanting as they swing their arms back and forth. "Yosh! Yosh! Yosh!" They shout, annoying Yamamoto and Natsuki.

"Noya! Tanaka! Stop your strange chanting!" Natsuki angrily yells, "You fools get back to the court before you do anything stupid!" Natsuki snaps.

"We have to defeat them," Tanaka grits his teeth looking at Yamamoto. The two of them continue chanting with everyone staring at them...It is kind of annoying, but our team's motivation starts to grow.

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