S10. Sakuya Nishinoya

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Sakuya POV

Hi friends! My name is Sakuya Nishinoya! I'm three years old and I'm playing with our pet dog named Kiwi. Right now, mommy and daddy are sleeping in their room after a long day of having all their old friends come over. I pet Kiwi on the head and think back to yesterday afternoon.

(Yesterday afternoon ~ at the Nishinoya household)

"Sakuya, I'm going to cook dinner today," mommy says and I tilt my head.

"I thought daddy says for you to be away from kitchen?" I question and she flinches then immediately shakes her head avoiding eye contact from me.

"Daddy says it's fine, trust me Sakuya!" Mommy reassures me and I clap my hands in amazement seeing mommy take on the challenge of cooking. "Go play with Kiwi, your daddy and our friends are coming home today."

"Wait, mommy and daddy have friends?" I ask and mommy sweatdrops.

"Of course Sakuya, why would you say that?" she asks me.

"Because daddy and mommy are always together," I innocently answer. "Like ALL the time," I emphasize all the time with my hand waving in a circle.

I watch mommy's face turns bright red like a shiny tomato. She quickly grabs a tennis ball and hands it to me. "Play with Kiwi," she tells me again and I nod my head with a silly grin.

"Okay!" I take the tennis ball, "Come on, Kiwi, let's play." I toss the tennis ball to Kiwi who easily fetches the tennis ball and gives it back to me. I throw the ball again and he easily catches it again. I pout. I want to make it harder for Kiwi or else he'll be bored and he won't want to play with me anymore. I throw the tennis ball harder and the front door suddenly opens.

My face pales seeing where the tennis ball hits. Daddy's face. "D-daddy! I'm sowwy!!!" I bow my head down almost crying, but I immediately force myself to hold it in. To be manly like how my daddy teaches me.

"It's fine Sakuya!" Daddy shouts as he comes over to ruffle my hair then give me a big hug. "I'm totally fine, I'm stronger than that~" he grins, and my eyes sparkle. Daddy's so cool!

"No way, is this your child?" A pretty brown-haired lady asks me as she picks me up. "So cute~ I want a child like this~"

"Tomoyo, you're going to scare the child," a tall blond-haired man says with a smirk and the brown-haired lady frowns.

"Shut up Kei. You're just bad with kids," Tomoyo argues and Kei sighs.

"Not as bad as that," Kei points. I look towards the direction he's pointing and see a raven-haired scary man glaring at me with a vicious scowl.

My face pales and I immediately hide behind daddy. He's so scary!!! He looks like those demons from the books mommy reads to me!!!

"Goodness Tobio, you're scaring the child," a black-haired lady smacks the scary man on the head.

"I'm not trying to be scary Natsuki," Tobio frowns.

"You're so adorable," a small, short, pink-haired lady pulls my cheeks and gives me a tight hug which was kind of more scary than the scary demon man.

"Rina be careful, kids are fragile," a gray-haired man says, pulling Rina away from me.

"Fine Koshi," Rina puffs her cheeks and crosses her arms.

"What's your name?" an orange-haired man asks me with a bright smile. He seems like a nice man.

"My name is Sakuya Nishinoya!" I happily answer. "What's your name, sir?" I ask.

"Shoyo Hinata," he says and ruffles my hair. He's so cool!

"Aw, Sakuya! What a cute girl you have!" A strange man comes over and gives me a big hug.

"Girl?" I question but I guess he doesn't hear me.

"Ryu. Sakuya is not a girl. Sakuya is a boy," daddy sweatdrops and Ryu gives me a blank look.

"Seriously?" He stares at me and I nod my head.

"He has Sakura eyes, but he looks a lot like Noya," Rina points out and Ryu looks at me and then back at daddy. Everyone else does the same thing and looks at me then at daddy.

"It's another you," Ryu mumbles and I tilt my head. What are they talking about?

"Yep, look here's a picture of your mom and dad," a foreign blond-haired man comes over and hands me a picture. My eyes widen seeing a picture of young mommy and daddy together smiling at the camera.

"You're an idiot Ryu, you can tell he's a boy. I mean, he looks like me, he's so charming," daddy says with a big nose growing, "Right Sakuya?"

"Charming?" I repeat his last words and he nods his head.

"Sakuya..." My daddy looks me straight in the face with a serious look, "Use your cute charms to get girls to talk to you!"

"Use my cute charms?" My head starts to think of the Lucky Charms cereal I ate this morning. Do I bring cereal for girls to eat?

"Right, Sakuya, always remember. Take advantage of your good looks and--" A pan suddenly comes flying from the kitchen and hits daddy on the head. I watch him tumble to the ground twitching.

"Yuu, what are you teaching Sakuya about?" Mommy shouts with a vein popping on her head.

"Nothing," daddy answers with a straight face and turns to me with a wink.

"...Wait, Sakura, why did you come out of the kitchen?" Tomoyo says with the corner of her mouth twitching.

"I'm making dinner," mommy tells them and everyone's face pales and sweatdrops then they scream in shock.

"Shit, there's a bomb in there?!" Tobio shouts trying to run away.

"Don't curse in front of a child!" Rina scolds Tobio.

"I'm calling take-out food," Kei says and takes his phone out.

"Urgh, I think I'm going to be sick," Natsuki says with a pale face imagining my mommy's food.

"If you want, I can turn up the heat so the food can cook faster," mommy says and turns the heat higher.

"Don't!!!" they all shout and the kitchen explodes.


All of mommy and daddy's friends are in a panic about the explosion that took place in the kitchen.

While that happens, I take a look at the picture of mommy and daddy again of when they were young. I happily hold mom and dad's picture close to my chest.

I'm glad that they are my mommy and daddy. I love mommy and daddy!!!

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