36. The Poster Duo

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Sakura POV
(In the morning -- School entrance)

I walk to school with a textbook in my hand trying to absorb as much information as I possibly can for the exams. I sigh. People make multitasking seem so easy, but it's pretty much impossible. It's even harder to concentrate when there are girls gossiping in their cliques and boys hanging around doing their own thing...I can't focus at all.

I take a few glances at the people around me...How can they enjoy themselves knowing the exams are coming up? I know I'm not exactly super friendly with people, so I shouldn't be saying that, but this year I actually have a few close friends that are important to me.

I zone out the loud noises and try to focus on reading again, but I hear a shout that surprises me and makes me shut my book.

"Sakura!!!" I lightly blush as I see Nishinoya call out to me in his school uniform. I've always seen him in a t-shirt and shorts for volleyball practice, and there's nothing wrong with that...But seeing him wear his gakuran is making my heart beat fast. I thought he was an idiot when he said he came here for the uniform...I stand corrected. The boys' uniform here isn't that bad and it really looks good on Nishinoya.

I watch him run over to me excitedly, and he trips on a small pebble on falls. He stumbles back up and comes to me as if he never fell down in the first place. "Sakura! I'm going to pass the exams!!" Nishinoya declares to me and I sweatdrop hearing his words.

...Is he serious? His past exam scores were in the 20s! But at least he says he's going to try his best. After all, if Nishinoya has the mindset, I'm sure he'll pass the exams. "Of course you'll pass the exams, Noya!" I enthusiastically cheer and he sheepishly grins hearing my support.

"Thanks, Sakura," he happily replies scratching the back of his neck. "Tanaka and I are going to get tutors in order to pass!" he loudly announces and scans the school crowd. His eyes stop once he sees Sota and Ennoshita walking to the school.

"Sota-san! Ennoshita-san! Come over here!" he calls out with a huge wave. The two of them freeze hearing their names and reluctantly walk over realizing everyone's attention was on them.

"Noya, what is it?" Sota asks with a hint of regret coming early to school with Ennoshita.

"You two are going to become my personal tutors for the upcoming exams," Nishinoya declares and their faces pale.

"Noya, I'm already tutoring you after practice...Do you think I seriously have the free time to teach you?" Ennoshita says with his usual sleepy expression. "Compared to you, I actually have a girlfriend," Ennoshita bluntly states and I see an imaginary arrow shoot through Nishinoya.

Nishinoya gets back up and awkwardly starts laughing. "Your girlfriend will understand! After all, it's not just me! It's Tanaka too," Nishinoya proclaims and the two of them try to run away. "Not so fast you two! I need you," Nishinoya grabs them by their shirt collars.

"I can't believe we're switching roles," Ennoshita mutters.

"No kidding," Sota clicks his tongue.

"Thanks, you guys. I've already asked Kinoshita and Narita too," Nishinoya tells them and they sweatdrop hearing his words. "Sakura, with them I'll be able to pass the exams! Believe it!" he declares.

Sota watches our interaction and suddenly remembers something. " Sakura, is it okay if you can start helping out taking pictures for the other clubs? We don't have that many members, and I'm pretty much the only member who's available besides you," Sota shrugs. "You can still go on the Tokyo trip with the boys' volleyball team, but just help out a little more than usual until the end of the exams," Sota asks me and I nod my head.

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