5. The Quiet Receiver

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Sakura POV

"Natsuki, what classroom are you in?" I ask on the phone as I run around the school trying to find her.

"I'm not in a classroom, I eat on the 2nd year building balcony...Why?" She replies hesitantly.

"I'm going to meet up with you," I say, but it was barely comprehensible. I'm running to the point I can't breathe, I need to exercise more.

I want to ask her about the volleyball game, not Tsukishima or Yamaguchi. I want to hear it from Natsuki. I couldn't wait till after school, I'm not patient.

I run up the stairs to the top of the 2nd year building


Too many stairs, I exhale and inhale rapidly once I stop at the front of the door.

I hear footsteps behind me. "Are you going to meet Natsuki?" a girl asks behind me suddenly.

"Wahhhh!!!!" I jerk back to the door. The girl behind me, a pretty brown haired girl, smiles as she notices how frightened I was.

"Who...who are you?", I ask her, a bit scared of what could happen next.

"I'm --" she starts to introduce herself, but gets interrupted.

"Oi! Why was someone shouting so loudly?" the door opens and a pissed off Natsuki appears.

I have never been so relieved to see her.

"Tomoyo, why did you have to scare the first year?" Natsuki sighs and we all go out to the balcony.

"Wow," I say out loud. I put my hands out and let the wind blow through me.

The view is so refreshing and the skies are so clear. From up here, the students seem like little ants in the school.

Tomoyo's eyes sparkle when she sees me looking at the balcony view. "You're so adorable!" She grabs my cheeks and pulls them. What the hell is she doing!?

"Tomoyo, stop it. You're going to scare her," Natsuki says, "Did you get the milk I asked for?"

"Awww, Natsu-sama, why do you have to say that?" Tomoyo whines and releases her pull from me. She goes through her bag and throws a milk carton to Natsuki.

"Why do you call her Natsu-sama?" I bluntly ask. That's a weird nickname. I mean, her name is Natsuki.

Tomoyo's eyes gleam from joy. "If you want to know why it's because--" Natsuki covers her mouth.

"She just calls me that because she's known me for a while," Natsuki says. She looks around the balcony and looks directly at Tomoyo. "Where's Tomoe? Did he come with you? He still owes me $10" Natsuki asks Tomoyo, but it seems like she was trying to change the topic.

Tomoe and Tomoyo... that sounds so familiar. I've heard those names before. Natsuki notices my confusion and throws me a strawberry bread, "Eat that."

"Tomoyo, tell Tomoe to pay you instead of me," Natsuki says to Tomoyo.

She looks at me and points at Tomoyo "This is Tomoyo Tsukinose and her older brother is Tomoe, but they're in the same grade," Natsuki introduces me to her. She then turns to Tomoyo. "Tomoyo, this is Sakura Hirai, a first-year."

"Just call me Tomoyo," she gives me a huge hug then takes out her cellphone to show me a picture of her and her brother... they really do look alike.

"You probably come here to know the results of the game. The team won, but barely." She informs me. "And I didn't take any pictures of the team because that's your job."

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