S7. College Life

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College Visit

Sakura POV

I take a deep breath and check the address on my cellphone again. This must be the university...Kyoto University. Today I have a week off as a third year student in Karasuno High, so I decided to give a visit to Yuu.

I look around trying to navigate myself around the huge buildings in this school, but my mind can't process a single thing. College is so different from high school. There are more buildings and people...It's amazing.

"Sakura is that you?!" I hear a loud voice call out to me. I immediately turn my head recognizing this voice.

"Tanaka!" I shout his name out and he widely grins. He comes over and happily ruffles my hair.

"It's been a long time Sakura," Tanaka tells me and I nod my head.

"Same. How's college?" I ask him as we walk towards the boys' volleyball gym.

"Perfectly fine," he gives me a thumbs up. "We just finished a volleyball game, so I'm guessing Noya's probably washing his head right now," Tanaka tells me and points over to the sink that's outside the gym.

"You should go check on him. He hasn't seen you for a long time. I bet he'll be happy to see you again," he winks and I laugh seeing the silly Tanaka again after such a long period of time.

"Of course," I nod my head and walk over to person near the sink. It looks like Yuu, but I can't tell because he's washing his head on the water. "Yuu!" I call out to him. He turns to my direction and my heart starts to beat fast seeing the attractive look on his face as he analyzes me.

"Hmm...Oh, Sakura!" Yuu says with a grin on his face as he comes over to talk to me. I take a closer look at Yuu, but he seems more mature than before. He's even taller than me now. Who would've thought he would've grown to around Sugawara's height. I have to admit he's more handsome than before...The power of college.

"Hey, Yuu~" I wave. "I'm glad I called out to the right person. I almost didn't recognize you because of your hair. Do you still put gel in your hair to make yourself taller?" I ask and he covers my mouth.

Yuu's face flushes bright red. "Shhh don't say that out loud," he says and I laugh.

"I won't tell anyone Yuu," I joke with him and I notice him looking at me with gentle eyes.

"You haven't changed much though," Yuu says. "I'm surprised that you put your hair down today. You normally have your pigtails," he tells me while playing with my hair, "I like seeing your hair in different styles, but you should leave your hair like this when you're with me only." He kisses my hair and my cheeks heat up.

"Pssh...It's my hair," I embarrassingly turn my head around puffing my cheeks with a pouty face and he chuckles.

"What are you doing here Sakura?" Yuu asks me and I show him my acceptance letter to Kyoto University. "I wanted to show you face to face that I got accepted to Kyoto University after winning the photography competition," I happily grin and Yuu's eyes widen as he reads the letter.

"No way Sakura! You're going to go to the same school as me!!!" Yuu shouts in joy. He carries me up and spins me around, "That's amazing!!"

"Hehehe, I know right? You have to show me around the school on orientation day," I tell him with a silly smile on my face as he puts me down.

"Of course I'll show my girlfriend around," he proudly points to himself and widely grins, "I'm just so happy that I can't stop smiling." The two of us merrily laugh and out nowhere there are people whistling for us.

"Eh?" Yuu and I turn to the noise to see the boys from Yuu's college volleyball team including Tanaka in the crowd.

"Woo! Noya is that your girlfriend?" a boy shouts.

"Of course that's Noya's girlfriend!" Tanaka answers, "They've been dating for 2 years already."

"No way! Introduce me to some of your friends!" another boy shouts.

I sweatdrop seeing all the boys volleyball players around us. This attention though, it's a bit...

"Leave those two alone," a girl shouts and everyone straightens themselves and turns their attention to her.

"H-Hana!" Everyone flinches and she sighs.

"Let the two lovebirds be," she hits all the volleyball players on the head.

"Hana! Why did you hit me?" Tanaka cries and Hana sticks her tongue out.

"You were with them," she laughs and Tanaka frowns hearing her answer. She turns to me. "You must be Noya's girlfriend right? Noya talks about you a lot," she says with a silly grin and Yuu starts to cough with pink cheeks.

"Hana!" Yuu shouts and Hana shrugs. "I'm not going to lie," she states and waves good-bye as she drags all the other boys away.

"Who is she?" I ask and Yuu looks over to Hana and Tanaka's direction.

"She's on the girls' volleyball team, but she's also Tanaka's friend when they used to play for a volleyball team back in middle school," Noya answers and starts to pout. "Anyways, I haven't seen you in forever. I don't want you to talk about other people," he says, giving me a big hug.

"Hahaha," I laugh. "We have the whole week before I get back to school again, plus, I'm going to this university, we'll see each other a lot," I tell him.

"Every moment with you is valuable though," he argues and my cheeks flush bright red.

"It's the same for me too," I blurt out, "So let's make my visit count." I take his hand and the two of us walk around the campus.

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