13. Training Camp Night

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Sakura POV
(Arriving to the camp - 7:55pm)

"No way! is this training camp?" I gawk at the building. "So cool!" I've never gone anywhere like this before. I take my camera out of my backpack and get ready to take pictures.

"YAHOO!" Hinata's eyes beam with happiness as he sprints to the training camp facility.

"Wait for me Hinata!" I run as fast as I can so I don't lose sight of him.

"Uooooh!!!" He opens all the doors in the buildings including the bathrooms. I snap pictures of all the rooms he opens as we walk around exploring the place.

"Oi, you two need to calm down," Kageyama says.

"I agree. It's just a building." Natsuki yawns and buys two milk cartons from the vending machine. "Here, I owe you for the popsicle yesterday." She hands Kageyama the milk carton and his face blushes bright red.

"A-Arigato," Kageyama mumbles as he takes the milk from her.

"Look, Hinata! These doors slide open like a traditional Japanese home!" I say as I slide the doors in amazement. I've always dreamed of going on a trip like this with friends, and now I'm living this moment with the team.

"I've found the bathrooms!" Hinata announces.

"Idiots," Natsuki sighs. "There's really no need to get this excited. Aren't you just here for training?"

"Yeah, but I've never been to a training camp before!" Hinata jumps from excitement as he continues to explore the rooms.

"Me neither. I've never gone to a camp like this. It's so exciting!" I happily agree.

"Exciting? The total opposite. I have to spend my time hanging out with this filthy bunch," Tsukishima says in a snooty manner.

"TSUKISHIMA, YOU BASTARD!!!!" Tanaka shouts in rage.

"Kiyoko-san, Natsuki-san, and Sakura-chan are within a five hundred meter radius! That's not possible!" Nishinoya adds on.

As the two of them spout about how great the camp is to Tsukishima, Sugawara walks by and notices Nishinoya and Tanaka ranting. He gives a sweet smile as he says, "Shimizu's home is nearby, so she isn't staying here." He merrily walks away as the two fall to the ground.

"Sugawara saying something like that with a smile...It's just like Rina," I whisper to Natsuki.

"Yeah....I can see that," she nods her head. "Sugawara and Rina hang out a lot." Natsuki shrugs. "Their habits probably rub off on each other."

"Look, it's the kitchen!" Hinata gleefully maneuvers around the lifeless Nishinoya and Tanaka. Everyone else follows Hinata to the kitchen, but unlike Hinata they all step over the two of them without a care in the world....Is it really okay to leave the two like this?

Takeda-sensei opens the doors for everyone to come in. He looks down to see the lifeless Nishinoya and Tanaka. "What happened to these two?" Takeda-sensei shrieks.

Shimizu-san appears out of the kitchen getting ready for dinner. With the sight of Shimizu in an apron, Nishinoya and Tanaka are filled with life.

Facepalm...I take it back. Why do I even bother worrying sometimes?

Natsuki takes a letter out of her backpack. "Tsukishima, here you go." She hands him a letter with his name on it.

"Oh, is it a love letter from Natsuki?" Tsukshima smirks at Natsuki. She doesn't show any emotion, but from behind them I can feel a scary aura leaking out of Kageyama.

"Kageyama is raging," Hinata says in fear as he hides behind me.

"You think?!" I can see Kageyama's glare to Tsukishima and Tsukishima's smug look back. The crazy part is that Natsuki is either completely oblivious to this or she just doesn't seem to care.

Someone taps my shoulder and I jerk back. "Sakura-san, I'm sorry to have startled you, but can you help me set the table?" Shimizu asks me.

"Of course." I walk away with Shimizu avoiding the situation that's taking place between Kageyama, Natsuki, and Tsukishima. Sorry Hinata, I don't want to be involved in that mess. I pray for his safety as I help out Shimizu-san.

(Dinner time)

Everyone is starving after practice, so the food in front of us seems super delicious. "Itadakimasu!" everyone shouts in thanks for the food that's on the table.

I watch Natsuki pick up her chopsticks. She begins eating her meal in such a polite and delicate manner. That's unexpected.

"I'm surprised that you eat in such a polite manner, Natsuki," I accidentally say aloud.

She looks at me slightly surprised, but turns back to her meal. "I always eat like this, it's just out of habit...Besides, I choke pretty easily compared to those two," her eyes travel to Kageyama and Hinata who are eating at such a rapid pace.

"Shimizu, did you make this? It's so good!" Tanaka and Nishinoya ask Shimizu. She ignores them and continues walking. I take a bite of the food. This tastes amazing, it's one of the best meals I've ever eaten. I don't know if it's because I'm hungry or because I'm tired today, but I eat more than I usually do.

"Shimizu-senpai, the food tastes great!" I compliment her cooking as I grab more to eat.

"I'm glad you like it," Shimizu-san gives me a sweet smile. So pretty! No wonder Nishinoya and Tanaka like her, she cooks and she's beautiful. Just perfect.

"Sakura knows what she's talking about!" Tanaka cheerfully pats me on the back and sits next to me.

"Of course she does, she's Sakura after all!" Nishinoya grins and ruffles my hair. Crap! I'm thinking about yesterday's events. My heart beats faster as he sits next to me on the other side.

"Sakura is just thanking Shimizu. I don't think she's supporting your nonexistent fan club." Tsukishima chuckles at them.

"TSUKISHIMA! YOU BASTARD!!!" Tanaka hollars to Tsukishima across the room. Daichi hears Tanaka's yelling and loses his cool.

"TANAKA!!!!!! BE QUIET!!!!!!" Daichi angrily shouts at him. I didn't expect to see Daichi this angry. He always appears calm...They probably got on his wrong side.

"It's not my fault Daichi! Tsukishima's warped personality is just so irritating," Tanaka shrinks down in his seat.

"I just want to enjoy my food in peace," Natsuki sighs. I nod my head and watch Tanaka glare at the smirking Tsukishima.

"Sakura, you don't eat broccoli?" Nishinoya pokes his head near my face as he observes my plate. Way too close!!! I try to keep my composure before I say something embarrassing.

"N-No, it's n-not really my favorite," I reply back trying to sound unflustered by the situation taking place.

"Then let's trade food!" he smiles as he switches his carrots with me. W-What...What is he doing!? In front of everyone, I hope no one notices the two of us!

"Kageyama," Hinata shakes Kageyama's arm to get his attention. "Sakura and Nishinoya sure are being friendly with each other," Hinata says. Of all people to notice...Why does Hinata have to be the one to notice us?!

Due to Hinata's shaking, Kageyama bumps into Yamaguchi's arm which causes his plate to tip and food falls onto Kageyama's head. "Sorry Kageyama..." Yamaguchi apologizes as Kageyama's anger rises.

"So unlucky," Tsukishima comments with a smirk. Nishinoya and Tanaka are laughing to the point that they're crying. Even Natsuki tries to keep her composure from laughing too hard. The only one who wasn't amused by this was Hinata, who knew that he would be in trouble at any moment.

Irritated, Kageyama goes to the bathroom to clean himself off. Once Hinata saw Kageyama's anger, he totally forgot about me and Nishinoya. He's probably worried about what will happen to him.

I look around the cafeteria. With everyone laughing and enjoying themselves, the dinner table is loud and chaotic. Yet there is a cozy feeling that everyone here is like one big family.

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