2. Photography Club

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Sakura POV

I can't believe I'm here in front of the photography club classroom first thing in the morning. I never thought I was going to join a club.

I take out the photo from my pocket and look at it once again. The sakura blossoms that sway with the wind and perfect lighting. But to me, what stood out was my expression. I was smiling, I was happy. To capture a moment like this on camera, I wanted to bring out these emotions to others just like how this person did. I put the photo back into my pocket and look at the door.

I'm so nervous. I knock on the door. Random thoughts began to explode inside my head that made me regret knocking on the door. I don't want to introduce myself to too many people, if I see a lot of students I will make a quick escape before they can ask anything about me.

 I don't want to introduce myself to too many people, if I see a lot of students I will make a quick escape before they can ask anything about me

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My anxiety disappears once I see a petite girl opening the door with a dumpling in her hand. I have to introduce myself to her, I thought to myself. I can't let myself get nervous from only seeing one person in this club.

"Hi my name is --"

She closes the door before I can say another word. I wait for a few seconds for the little possibility that she would open the door.


Wait! Is she serious!?

"Hello is anyone there? I would like to join the photography club?" I ask hoping that she would open the door for me and that her closing the door on me was just a mistake.

Utter silence.

A vein pops on my head.


I shout as loud as I can and annoyingly continue to knock on the door until I receive some type of answer. I am not coming here to look stupid. After my yelling and knocking with the students staring at me like I was a lunatic, the girl opens the door.

"Do you need anything?" She asks while continuing to eat her dumpling without the slightest realization that the reason why I yelled and knocked so loud was because of her.

"Is this the photography club?" I ask her with slight irritation. I'm seriously starting to question whether or not I made the right decision to come to this place. I expect her to give me an immediate response, however...

A few awkward seconds later...

"Yes," she bluntly replies. Does it take that much time to think of that answer? I mean it's either yes or no. I feel like I'm in the wrong place.

"Why did you close the door on me?" I question her with suspicion, I mean I can't be that unnoticeable. She takes a few more bites on her dumpling and by the time she is ready to respond she finishes eating her dumpling.

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