26. Pouting

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Sakura POV
(Shimizu's house)

"Ojamashimasu," I excuse myself as I enter Shimizu's home after today's volleyball practice. Shimizu hears my greeting and shakes her head.

"Don't excuse yourself, if it weren't for you, I don't think I would be able to get away from Nishinoya," Shimizu gives me a bright smile as she closes the door, "How hard was it to distract the rest of the team members?"

"Well, Tanaka was crying when I told him that you had already left, while everyone else understood so it wasn't that bad," I answer back, but my thoughts linger to Nishinoya. I feel terrible that I couldn't go with him to get some popsicles. He said something about "that person"...Does he already know about Shimizu's surprise!?

"Um, Shimizu? Do you think Noya knows about our plan?" I worryingly ask her and she giggles hearing my question.

"I highly doubt Noya would know or anyone else for that matter. I'm really good at keeping secrets, so don't worry about that," she grins as she hands me something to scrub with and the two of us walk out to her backyard where the banner was lying on the ground next to two buckets of water. Shimizu pats me on the head with her free hand, "I think you have something else you want me to hear, don't you?" she smiles, "We can talk about it while we're cleaning," she says and it feels as if a weight is lifted off my back. Shimizu is like the big sister I've always needed.

"Well...The truth is...I think I might've hurt Noya's feelings," I tell her as we crouch down and begin cleaning the banner. I tell her everything that happened while she was sneaking the banner out of the gymnasium with me and Noya. I take a peek of her face and she seems to understand.

"Noya with feeling upset is rare," Shimizu purses her lips, "But knowing him, Noya doesn't get his feelings hurt that easily, he's the strongest in the team when it comes to that kind of thing," Shimizu informs me as she fiercely scrubs the stain on the banner, "You should just talk to him about how you're hanging out with me and he'll understand that." I watch her wash the stain off the banner. She's right. I can't let this bring me down. If I did, then how could I ever show my face to Nishinoya, the one who always keeps his head up high?

"Shimizu, I will do my best!" I tell her and scrub the banner with her. I didn't see it, but there was a tiny smile from Shimizu as the two of us continue cleaning the banner. It was long, rigorous cleaning, but our hard work paid off. The banner that was once dirty is now clean. However, after cleaning the banner so hard from the dust and dirt, the characters faded a little and it wasn't as easy to read.

"I knew that this was going to happen," Shimizu pushes her glasses up, "that's why with Rina's help, I'm sure this banner will be better and shine brighter than all the other banners from the other schools," she says with a sense of determination and I couldn't help but grin.

"I'm sure Rina will do a great job. I'll make sure to give it to her," I give her a thumbs up and she giggles.

"I can see why Nishinoya likes you," she mumbles something I couldn't hear.

"What did you say, Shimizu?" I ask her, and she looks at me. I thought I heard something about Noya.

"I said I can't wait," the tips of her lips go up, and I tilt my head in confusion.

I guess it was my mistake.

Nishinoya POV
(Next Day of School - Practice)

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