3. Meeting Karasuno's Boys Volleyball Team

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Sakura POV
(In the photography classroom)

"In the photography club, everyone has important responsibilities that must be followed," Touya says with his eyes sparkling to the club members and continues lecturing. "I'm exhausted," I think to myself and look at what the others are doing.

I scan the classroom and saw that no one was paying attention. Sota's playing on his phone and Rina's eating. Natsuki isn't even giving an effort to pay attention because she fell asleep on her desk with her head down while Touya's talking.

Does this club respect their president? I sigh, well it is Touya, he's like a handsome idiot. I joined this club to avoid loud and obnoxious students, but I want to contribute.

"Sakura, am I boring you?" Touya says while pouting with puppy eyes. I tried to avoid his gaze but his gaze kept following mine. With the face he makes, I can't comment. I turn to Sota and Rina, but they both avoided my gaze.

"Touya, get to the point we all heard this a million times," Natsuki yawns and she stands up from her seat to stretch.

Touya looks like he is starting to cry. Poor Senpai, is he really the President? No one is paying attention to him. "It's okay Touya-Senpai, you can continue," I comfort him as he sits in the corner.

"No you can stop," Rina and Sota both complain at the same time.

Natsuki stands up from her seat and looks at me. "Hey 1st year, just know 3 things. #1 whatever job you are given you have to take. #2 if you don't want to commit to this club then leave. Lastly, #3 never ask for my help, ask your other senpais." She states out loudly for all the members to hear.

Everyone became silent, it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I couldn't say anything and neither could anyone else. It was until Touya broke the awkward silence that the mood lightened.

"Natsuki can you get the photography club assignments from our teacher advisor?" Touya says in his light hearted voice.

"....Sure," Natsuki replies, "I'm gonna get some strawberry milk too." She leaves the room and the tension breaks.

It feels so different when Natsuki isn't here, every nerve in my body begins to relax.

"No need to be so stiff. You'll get used to it. Natsuki acts like that because of some family problems and trust issues that she had to deal with so it makes it hard for her to be around people she's unfamilar with," Rina reassures me. "But once you get to know her, you'll realize she's the most pure-hearted out of all us." She shrugs.

"Touya, why did you ask Natsuki to get the assignments?" Sota questions him, "I could have gotten them after class."

"That's true," Touya smiles, "I just want to see what she does when she sees her assignment."

"Is everyone assigned multiple jobs?" I ask. I mean Natsuki did briefly explain it, but she didn't say much at all. "I mean I'm just a beginner with the camera, I can't do much."

"It's pretty much always a surprise because the Kaiji senpai prepared our assignments before he left, and Touya makes assignments for all the newbies," Sota answers, "Last year, Touya did most of the school events, Tomoe and Tomoyo did the regular clubs, Natsuki did the school buildings and environment, while Kaiji senpai, Rina, and I did the sports clubs". Sota finishes explaining and lays down on the couch.

Tomoe and Tomoyo? Who are they? Before I can ask, Rina dumps all her plates of food that she finished into the trash. She then grabs both of my hands."Sakura, let's get you a camera and some equipment for you to borrow," Rina says and gives me a wink. "Touya, get all the cameras we have and Sota get us the checkout booklet and equipment," Rina orders the two as they run around following her orders. Eventually they bring out all the things that Rina told them to bring.

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