S2. Valentine's Day

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•Valentine's Day Chocolate•

Sakura POV

Every girl knows this important day. Valentine's Day. The day to make homemade chocolate for your friends, but especially for your loved one. Ever since the beginning of this month, I've been practicing making delicious chocolate for Yuu to eat, but of course for all my friends to as well.

With my inexperience of baking and cooking, I needed to find someone who can teach me the ways of making these heavenly desserts for someone as incapable as me. Lucky for me, someone like that was close to me.

(In the kitchen)

"Help me Tomoyo!!!" I cry out as I see the chocolate burn in the pan.

"Turn off the heat!" Tomoyo shouts and I try to turn the stove off as she instructs, but the small fire suddenly starts growing.

"Eeek!!" I shriek seeing the big fire. "Help me!!! It's not turning off!!!" I panic waving my hands in the air.

Tomoyo's face pales. She immediately runs to the stove and turns it off. She heads to the windows and door and opens them.

I take a peek at the chocolate I made. "I'm done!" I smile and gesture her to come over to see the chocolate.

Tomoyo sweatdrops seeing the chocolate. "What did you make?" she asks me and I tilt my head in confusion.

"Chocolate right? All I have to do now is pour it into the molds and refrigerate it," I say, and Tomoyo facepalms herself. She grabs a chopstick close by and looks at the chocolate again.

"Pour it into the molds you say..." Tomoyo says and pokes the chocolate. "It's not even pourable, it's as hard as a brick. Heck, I don't think this is even chocolate. It's black and burnt," she comments and turns to me, "Do you cook or bake at home?"

"My mom doesn't let me cook at home or let me near the kitchen. My friend Mihane taught me how to cook a little," I tell her and she shakes her head then massages her temples.

"Now I can understand why Natsuki why finds it hard to teach me," Tomoyo mumbles seeing the burnt chocolate I made, "Not everyone is teachable."

Not teachable!? She can't be serious can she?! I need to make chocolate for Yuu or else he would go to a corner and cry himself to sleep because his girlfriend didn't give him any chocolate for Valentine's Day.

"Can you help me make another one?" I plead on my knees and Tomoyo sweatdrops.

"This is beyond my ability," Tomoyo shakes her head and sighs. "Why do I have to be the good cook and baker?" she mutters.

I don't give up and continue begging for assistance. "Please help me Tomoyo! You're the only one I can ask. I'll give you anything!" I tell her and she purses her lips.

"...I don't know, I can't really do anything about this..." she bites her lip hesitating whether or not she should help me.

"...I'll tell you where Tsukishima's desk is in class and you can do whatever you want with it," I tell her and her eyes immediately light up.

"Seriously?! Why didn't you say that earlier, of course I'll help you!" she happily pats me on the back and I grin.

"Great!" I shout in joy and apologize to Tsukishima in my mind for using him to get help from Tomoyo. He's going to be pissed, but at least Yuu's happy.

Nishinoya POV
(On Valentine's Day)

Today is Valentine's Day. The day that normally tears me down to little shreds. Always seeing the people around me with chocolate from their loved ones while all I have is the air I breathe and not even the friendship kind of chocolate. I chuckle to myself. Why you may ask? Because this year is different. Sakura's my girlfriend! I smile to myself, maybe I'll get some homemade chocolate from her.

I skip along with a flowery aura of joy and see Tomoyo in the hallways. "Tomoyo! Have you seen Sakura anywhere?" I ask her with a grin on my face and she stares for a few seconds then laughs.

"Have fun with your chocolate~" Tomoyo winks, "Sakura is very...unique in the kitchen." She gives me a wave and leaves. Unique in the kitchen...I sweatdrop immediately remembering the time in the training camp where Sakura and I had to make dinner for everyone...She almost killed Natsuki...My face pales. I'm not feeling so hungry for chocolate anymore.

(Later that day)

I come into the gym and find Sakura handing small boxes of chocolates to everyone. Sakura notices me come into the gym and beckons me over. I walk to her and she hands me a box of chocolate.

"Happy Valentine's Day Yuu!" Sakura happily says and my heart skips a beat seeing the smile on her face. "This is yours. Don't worry, yours is different from the other ones I gave," Sakura reassures me.

Is different good or bad in this case?!

The box in my hand is neatly wrapped in pink wrapping paper with a golden ribbon tied around it. It doesn't seem bad. I open the box to see slightly burnt chocolate, but the chocolates in front of me didn't have the same dangerous aura as her food from before.

I take a glance at Sakura to see her anxiously waiting for my reply. My eyes widen seeing her fingers covered in bandages. She worked hard for this, no matter what happens to me...I will eat Sakura's chocolate! "Thanks for the chocolate!"

I stare at the first chocolate I've ever received on Valentine's Day and take a small bite. I slowly chew it expecting the chocolate to take me down but I end up tasting a milky chocolate that wasn't too sweet, a little burnt, but indeed it was delicious enough to call it chocolate. "It's really good!"

"Really? Thanks Yuu!" Sakura says with a grin. "I'm not very good with chocolate, it took me a lot of tries, but I eventually figured it out with help of Tomoyo," she admits and pumps her fists. "Wait until next Valentine's Day, and I'll make you the best chocolate in the world!" Sakura declares and my face flushes bright red.

"I-I can't wait to eat them," I stutter with pure joy bubbling up inside of me. This must be how it feels to receive chocolate from the one you like. I can't wait for Valentine's Day next year!

(Bonus Scene)

"Wait Sakura, you said different chocolates? What chocolates did you give to the team?" I ask, remembering her handing chocolate to the team before I got here.

"I gave them the ones I made before yours. Why do you ask?" she questions with no understanding of what she did wrong.

I look over to the team and see everyone dead. I sweatdrop, they were moving regularly a few minutes ago.

"Geh!" Coach Ukai shouts in fright seeing his players lie on the ground coming into the gym for another day of practice.

Valentine's Day. A day I now enjoy with Sakura...However, for others, a day to fear Sakura's chocolates.

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