64. Oh Dear Romeo~

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Nishinoya POV
(In class - 5 days until Cultural Festival - 6 days until Spring Interhigh Qualifiers)

"The cultural festival is in five days and our class needs to decide what to do," our sensei tells us and points to the board behind him, "What do you guys want to do?"

"Let's do a maid cafe!" A boy shouts to the class and the girls shriek in terror hearing the boy's idea.

"No way!" a girl shouts.

"Let's do a matchmaking center instead," a girl speaks up and the boys yell against it.

"No!" The boys shout and soon they're arguing about how the other side's ideas are more ridiculous than their own.

"Oh! I know, let's do a haunted house~" Tomoyo adds in to the excitement.

Everyone stops to think about the idea of a haunted house, but before they could, sensei stops them. "If you want to do a haunted house, you can't, because that idea is already taken by three classes," the teacher tells the class. "I don't know which classes were able to do haunted houses, but we're unable to do that," he says and the class goes back to chaos.

My phone vibrates. I take a glance at my phone to see that it was Sakura.

<What are you going to do for the cultural festival?>

I grin seeing a text message from Sakura during class.

<Not sure. How bout u?>

I send her a text message and she immediately sends me a text back.

<We're doing a haunted house ^.^ You should come visit it on the day of the cultural festival>

I clutch my heart from seeing such an adorable emoji.

<But I can't go into a haunted house by myself~ Why not go in the haunted house together? :D>

It takes her a while to text back, but when she does it's worth the waiting.

<Maybe. I think it would be fun to go together>

A huge smile forms on my face and I throw a punch in the air. Going to a haunted house with Sakura! It's going to be so much fun. I can be the man and have her hold onto me whenever she's sacred--

"Noya!" Tomoyo shouts in my ears and I stumble in my chair surprised.

"Stop texting and daydreaming," Tomoyo tells me and hands me a hat with small folded pieces of paper inside. "Pick a piece of paper. We're going to do the play Romeo and Juliet," Tomoyo explains and takes a paper from the hat.

Oh, I wasn't paying attention. Since when did we choose Romeo and Juliet? I check the board to see that there's tons of ideas that were written down and I didn't hear about any of it. Was I that distracted?

Someone roughly pats me on the back. I turn to see Tanaka. "Noya, wish me luck! I want to be Romeo!" Tanaka says pumping his fist with fire in his eyes.

"Good luck Ryu!" I take a slip of paper and hand the hat to him.

"Class, whatever your role is, you can't switch with anyone else. If you have a major role, you have to stay for the entire time," our sensei instructs the class.

"Hai!" The class answers in response.

I guess I need a minor role so I can be with Sakura. I close my eyes hoping for a simple role. "Eh?" I stare at the piece in front of me, "Romeo?"

"Ryu. I got Romeo, do you have a minor role? I'll switch with you," I turn and whisper. He wants to be Romeo and I need a minor role to hang out with Sakura.

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