19. Dinner failure

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Nishinoya POV

"I'm going to be cooking dinner with Sakura!!!" I internally scream to myself as I plunge into my world of happiness. I can see her in a frilly apron as she cooks food for me--I mean everyone. She's probably a great cook, she seems like someone who's natural in the kitchen. Natsuki-san is the best person ever to pair Sakura up with me. I'm so happy!

I jump for joy in the kitchen after running here from the gymnasium. I breathe in the kitchen air. This place is huge, but it's just going to be me and her here. Many things can happen here...I pull on my hair. I know I just realized that I liked her, but I can't do indecent things in the kitchen. Sakura is an innocent girl, I can't be naughty. We must make yummy food!

Sakura rushes into the kitchen a couple minutes after I arrive. She scans the kitchen and stops once she notices me. "Sorry...I...Came...Late... Nishinoya," she pants for air with every word. Something that I've noticed about Sakura is that she has low stamina. She easily gets exhausted when she exercises, but that's so cute~

"Doesn't matter," I smile and hand her a pink apron. As I tie a blue apron around my waist, I take a glance at Sakura as she ties the pink one around her waist. We are wearing matching aprons like a couple! I will burn this memory into my brain. If only this kitchen can provide frilly aprons for the girls, can't the team spend some money on that? They're ruining my fantasies.

"Just a heads up, I'm not exactly a great cook," Sakura warns me as she hands me the recipe book.

"Don't worry," I reassure her, she can't be that bad at cooking. I examine all the ingredients in the recipe book. There are different types of food, but they are mostly different assortments of curry and rice. With just the two of us, we have approximately two hours to finish making the meals.

"Which one should we do?" I ask her after I look through all the recipes.

"Let's do fried rice, I'm sick of eating curry everyday," she happily smiles. With her apron on, her smile seems even more adorable compared to usual. I swear, this is extreme torture to be by yourself with the girl you like in the kitchen.

"Okay, so what do you want me to do?" She enthusiastically asks me. Her voice rings in my ears and sends me crashing back down to reality. I need to focus, I can't drag her down if I get distracted from thinking about her...I have an idea if I'm focusing on the food. I can impress her with my cooking!

"You can cook the rice, I'll cut the vegetables," I give Sakura simple instructions on how to cook rice, "First you have to wash the rice and then put it in the cooker. Make sure it doesn't burn once it's ready take it out." My instructions were pretty vague, but I'm sure she's made rice at home before.

"Oh, that sounds simple! I'm sure that's something even I can do," Sakura positively says and starts pouring rice into the pot. She's so cute trying to accurately pour every grain of rice into the pot. I turn to my station and slice the vegetables into small pieces.

The camp's large kitchen space makes it seem empty compared to meal time. With three ceiling fans rotating slowly above us, we both work hard making food for the team. It feels like a dream~


Those are some weird noises from behind me. Sakura seems oddly eager to make some rice, I shudder at all the strange thoughts I have as I imagine the possible outcome of the rice. I shouldn't be worried, it's just rice. It's easy to make, I'm sure Sakura can do it...Just zone out all the noise...

(A few minutes later)

"...Really simple, huh? What happened?!" My eyebrow twitches at the sight of the disoriented black lumps of rice. The strange noises from behind me were probably evil spirits...It looks like something that came out of a horror movie. I didn't know Sakura was capable of creating something like this.

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