20. Ready?

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Sakura POV
(The Next Day ~ Morning)

Crap! I'm late for practice today!

Sakura's current status: Running towards the gymnasium to catch up with their practice.

Why did I have to oversleep? Actually, why did no one wake me up!? I angrily throw a fit in my mind as I look over to Shimizu carrying some bags. "Shimizu-senpai, are those bags too heavy? I can help if you want," I offer my assistance to her. Even though I know I have my camera equipment to carry, I pretend that I could carry more just for her sake. I mean, I'm just glad I don't have to awkwardly come into the gym late.

"Is that okay with you?" She hands me one of the bags she's carrying. To my surprise, it isn't as heavy as I thought, but with my camera equipment too, I think carrying one bag was enough. "Thanks Sakura, by the way, just call me Shimizu." She gives me a smile and little flowers emerge in the background. Too bright!

The birds are chirping and the sunlight falls on us. There's an awkward silence between us. It was at that moment that I realized that I never really had an actual conversation with Shimizu. It makes sense, our personalities are similar...We don't talk unless it is necessary. I should try to start a discussion about volleyball...That way, we can talk to each other instead of walking in complete silence.

"S-Shimizu, how long have you been the manager for this team?" I ask her. Not the best question, but it has always been a question of mine for a while now.

"I actually played a sport before this, but it wasn't volleyball, nor did I have any experience as a manager," Shimizu explains, "You might be surprised thinking, 'how can I try something without liking in the first place,' but when people start something new, they don't need an 'unshakable will' or an 'impressive motivation'. For me, when I started as a manager, it naturally became something important. What started it...Was curiosity," She shows me a sincere grin that I have never seen on her face before.

"No, I completely understand. I joined the photography club without any experience, yet just from a little interest of an amazing photo that they sent me made me come to learn how much the photography club means to me," I smile back at her as I tighten the grip on my camera.

"The photography club is filled with interesting people,"she chuckles, "having Rina and Touya as your third years must make everyday fun."

"Same with the volleyball team, they are always making things enjoyable," I add in. From this conversation, the two of us formed a small bond that I would have never known if I didn't help her.

Soon, we arrive at the gym where I hear all the boys training. "Footwork, footwork, footwork! No stopping and don't wave your arms around!" Coach Ukai instructs to the team as they practice. Serves and receives are being thrown everywhere in the court. This training is crazy intense.

"Natsuki. Sensei," Shimizu speaks in a soft voice and points to the bags in our hands.

"Ah, they're ready?" Takeda-sensei excitedly rushes over with Natsuki and take a peek into the bag.

"Yes, they have been cleaned and patched up," Shimizu answers, "Here are the uniforms."

"Everyone! The uniforms arrived!" Natsuki yells across the gymnasium and everyone stops practicing once they hear Natsuki's announcement and dash over to see their uniforms.

"Ooooh!" Hinata stares in amazement as Shimizu takes out the jerseys from the bags.

"We didn't have them when we faced Aobajohsai, so seeing them now is a great boost of esteem!" Daichi happily says.

"That's what I saw on TV! It's what the 'Small Giant' was wearing!!" Hinata exclaims, ignoring Daichi's words, and points at the uniform as if it was a dream.

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