4. Saved By The Libero

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Sakura POV

"We have a practice match with Aobajousai High School, One of the strongest in the prefecture...!" A teacher yells into the gym. I'm guessing he's the supervisor for this club. I look at the reactions of all the players. They all seem really excited. I mean, to have a practice match is already good for them. Not wanting to ruin the mood, I try to leave the gym unnoticed, but Daichi catches me.

"You should come to the practice match after school on Tuesday," Daichi says, "That way you can understand how volleyball works."

"Sakura! Sakura! You have to come to our practice match! I can show you my skills!" Hinata jumps for joy.

"Meet us at the front to get a ride with us on the bus," Sugawara says and Daichi nods his head.

I noticed how all of the players were looking at me for an answer. "Of course I will come," I reply and give them a thumbs up. I want to go and I want to be a part of the team, but I haven't practiced taking pictures so it would look ugly. Yet I want to continue being a part of this team. I feel butterflies in my stomach. It feels different compared to before when I was introducing myself. I enjoy this feeling... The feeling of excitement to see a volleyball match.

(Monday ~ After School in the Photography club)

"Where's Sota?" I ask as I look around the classroom.

"He's hanging out with his basketball classmates," Touya sighs. "And I thought he was besties with me." Touya sadly says to himself.

"Rina, you're my bestie, right? You won't--Urghh!" Rina smacks him on the head. "Sometimes Touya, I don't know what to say to you," She says angrily, then turns and gives a sweet girl expression to me.

"Sakura, how was your first day of being in charge of the sports clubs?" Rina asks me as she pours tea for me. I look down at Touya... I have to give a good answer. I don't want to end up like him.

"It was great meeting new people," I answer back and take a sip of the tea. It was sweet lavender tea with an aroma that filled the room. This place smells more like a garden than a classroom now.

"That's great," Rina comments. "Natsuki, did you negotiate with Sakura about the assignments?" Rina sips her tea and expects to hear a quick answer from Natsuki. However, Natsuki becomes stiff and doesn't respond.

"Yeah, I got to meet the boys' volleyball team a few days ago," I add in to make sure the atmosphere wouldn't get awkward again.

"That's right, she's in charge of the volleyball teams." Natsuki regains her composure and takes out a yogurt drink from her backpack. She begins to drink out of it. Was it just my imagination or was she panicking just a few seconds ago?

"I see," Touya says as he reflects something in his head. "You do know that Tomoe and Tomoyo are also going to be assigned to some of the sports teams this year too. You don't have to handle all of the sports clubs, you can just work with Sakura on the --."

"No, it's okay. They aren't here right now anyways. I want to check on the other teams early," Natsuki makes a forced smile. Is she straining herself from all the work she's doing?

"Ummm, Natsu--" I try to ask her if she's okay, but she asks me something first. "Sakura, I need to go to my locker, come with me." She forcibly grabs me so there was no way I can resist. "Bye Senpais."

We walk out of the classrooms and go through the school. Even though I've been here for a few days, it still seems so new to me. We walked side by side for what felt like forever but was probably only seconds of silence. Finally, we arrived at her locker and she hands me a picture.

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