35. A New Friend

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Sakura POV
(During Lunch Break)

I finish eating my lunch and take out my notebook and my textbook to start studying for the upcoming exams. I seriously have to cram all of this information in. I cry in my head and try to focus on learning, but before I could get into my studying mode, my phone vibrates with a message from Mihane.

<Sakura! Exams are coming!!! O.O Come to Aobajohsai High to tutor me! I'm going to die at a young age!!!! X=X>

I stare at the strange message and send her a quick reply.

<Same for me. Good luck on your exams :) >

Short and simple. Which is the complete opposite of Mihane and tests. For as long as I could remember, Mihane somehow always made it to advanced classes without knowing anything. It's to the point it scares me, because whenever I did teach her, she wouldn't understand anything, but when it came to her tests she always got a decent score, and sometimes a score higher than mine. I can't tell if she's learning or if she's a good guesser. I think about this until I hear Tsukishima's cranky voice.

"Didn't I say I'd only do it before or after school activities?" I overhear Tsukishima say in annoyance. I look up from my phone to see Hinata and Kageyama awkwardly standing next to Tsukishima with notebooks in their hands. "I did, didn't I?" Tsukishima repeats.

"..." Hinata and Kageyama avoid complete eye contact with the peeved off Tsukishima.

"But the English teacher, Yoshida-sensei, wasn't around..." Hinata tries to say, but Tsukishima ignores his plea.

"Come back during business hours..." he says in an irritated voice and puts his headphones on.

"Dammit, stingy Tsukishima! Stingyshima!" Hinata shouts and stomps away from the class. Kageyama doesn't say anything and follows Hinata out of the classroom. I watch the two of them walk out. So harsh...

"T-Tsukki! I-I'm going to get some drinks!" Yamaguchi says and gets up from his seat to leave.

I watch Yamaguchi leave and poke Tsukishima's shoulder. "Tsukishima, you should seriously consider helping out Hinata and Kageyama. They really want to go to Tokyo," I tell him and he takes off his headphones with an annoyed expression on his face.

"I already have to deal with tutoring Tomoyo in my spare time. I'm not going to teach two more idiots for free," he says, clicking his tongue.

"You tutor Tomoyo?" I ask in surprise.

A vein pops on his head. "Tutoring her by no free will, yes. That's something I don't want to talk about," he complains and takes out his notebook. "You're in this class too. Why don't you teach them so they can stop asking me?" he asks and my face pales.

"I-I can teach them...But with their low scores, I can't tell if my teaching will be of any use to them..." I answer, realizing my hypocrisy. I'm just making excuses, aren't I?

"Of course you couldn't teach them. After all, they're a bunch of fools," he bluntly states and he puts his headphones back on. "If you want to help them, then go find Yamaguchi. He went over to talk to them, so go over there and see what happened," he mumbles and I tilt my head in confusion.

"I thought he was going to get you some drinks?" I say and he sighs.

"Just go to Yamaguchi if you want to help Hinata and Kageyama," he says and mutters, "I swear, you're just like Tomoyo, always poking your head around others." He clicks his tongue and opens his book. I walk out of the classroom to find Yamaguchi.

Once I leave the classroom, I spot Yamaguchi watching Kageyama and Hinata go into class 1-5. "Yamaguchi, what were you doing here?" I ask surprised, realizing that Tsukishima was right about him helping out Kageyama and Hinata. Hm, maybe they are good friends, though it looks like only Yamaguchi cares.

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