S5. Beach!

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•Watermelon Smashing•

Third Person POV

Today is the day on the beach with the boys' volleyball team and the photography club. Nishinoya inhales the salty sea air of the beach with his hands on up. "The best thing about being on the beach...Watermelon smashing!!!" He shouts on with the waves crashing below him.

He steps down the rocks and heads to the truck. "Watermelon! Watermelon! Watermelon!" Tanaka, Hinata, Kageyama, Tomoyo, and Nishinoya chant as they take the watermelons out from the truck.

"Why are those five excited about watermelon?" Sota questions and sweatdrops seeing them go in a circle singing their watermelon song.

"They're all excited aren't they?" Daichi says with his arms crossed and a sweatdrop falls seeing his idiotic teammates and Tomoyo cheer over a bunch of watermelons.

"It's just watermelon," Tomoe and Tsukishima mutter at the same time. Their eyes widen hearing the same words come out of their mouth and they furiously glare at each other.

"C-calm down you two, we're at a beach," Yamaguchi says, trying to calm the two of them down.

"That's right!" Yachi says and snaps her fingers with an idea. "What did the watermelon say to the cantaloupe when the cantaloupe tried talking to it?" Yachi grins and the two of them sigh.

"What?" They both ask.

"Wha-u-melon?" Yachi tries to make a joke but it ends up turning awkward. "Eeeekkk!!!" Yachi screams in her mind thinking that the joke would have the two of them laughing like good friends, but nothing happens.

Out of nowhere Sakura bursts out laughing. "I get it!" she grins. "Like watermelon right?" she says and Yachi nods her head, joyfully knowing that someone understands her.

Natsuki comes over and pats Yachi on the back. "Anyways, they were happy over meat, so just them be happy over watermelon," Natsuki concludes as she watches them cheering for the watermelons.

"Wait Natsuki, where is Touya and Asahi?" Sakura asks and everyone looks around for them.

"Oh those two, they're just hiding over at the side shaking in fear," Sugawara tells them with a smile as he points to the two boys clinging to each other for their lives.

"Why?" Tomoe asks them and Sugawara sweatdrops hearing that question. He takes a look around and pulls us in close.

"Because Rina might want to smash a watermelon," he whispers. Daichi and the second years in the photography club eye's widen.

<Her delinquent skills! She's going to kill us!!!> They think to themselves.

"I don't get it?" Sakura says, but all the third year along with the second years shake their heads.

"You don't need to..." they answer.

After setting everything up, the traditional watermelon smashing event on the beach takes place. Coach Ukai holds the stick and some members of the team start shaking and sweating bullets. "So who's want to go first?" Coach Ukai happily asks everyone.

"Let Rina be the last!" the third years and second years in the photography club immediately shout with pale faces.

"Huh?" Rina says completely confused of the situation. "Sure, that's fine," she says and points to Sakura, "I nominate Sakura to go first then."

Sakura POV

Why am I always the one nominated to go first? I sigh as Natsuki blindfolds me and hands me a wooden stick. I tightly hold onto the wooden stick and think about where the watermelons were. I wish I had paid attention to the watermelons' locations, but I didn't think it that through thoroughly.

"I can't see anything," I blurt out and Natsuki chuckles.

"That's the point," Natsuki pats me on the back startling me, "Good luck~"

"Go left Sakura!" I hear Yuu's voice and I try to follow his voice. Okay, go left...Wait, how much left???

"Go right!" I hear Tomoyo shout and I bite my lip. I thought I was suppose to go left!

"Don't listen to them, you have to turn around!" Tanaka shouts and I frown. The struggle of my life. I turn around now clearly confused where I'm going.

"Oh, you're almost near a watermelon!" Hinata shouts in his high pitched voice. I walk forward and hear a loud shout.

"Smash it!" I hear Tomoyo and Tanaka shout and startled by their voice, I slam the wooden stick on something.

Did I smash it? I take a peek and see Yuu on the ground. "W-what happened?!" I shout in shock seeing an unconscious Yuu in front of me.

"Pffft...Hahahahahaha!!!" Tomoyo, Tanaka, Tsukishima, and Touya laugh, "You hit Nishinoya instead!"

"Here, you can check. I took a video," Tomoyo says.

I watch the video and my eyes widen when I see me hit Yuu on the head thinking that he was a watermelon. The watermelon itself was a little to the right but I missed it.

I sweatdrop. I'm an idiot...I hit my boyfriend on the head with a wooden stick and now he looks dead.

(Bonus scene)

After everyone's failed attempts not getting a single watermelon smashed, it was a certain person's turn that many feared would take place.

"Since everyone got a turn, let me try," Rina says pushing up the sleeves of her light jacket. Everyone immediately takes a step away eyeing Rina holding the wooden stick on hand. A small sinister grin appears on her face.

"I haven't felt a wooden stick like this since middle school," Rina says as she gets used to the stick in her hands. Sugawara ties the blindfold on Rina and gets out of her way.

"Since you're the last one Rina, try your best to hit a watermelon, but if you can't it's perfectly--" Coach Ukai tries to explain but Rina easily smashes the watermelon in a second.

Coach Ukai's cigarette drops in shock, Takeda-sensei is speechless and everyone is shaking in fear as they all watch Rina perfectly smash each watermelon.

"How is someone so petite so violent?!" Everyone silently thinks to themselves seeing Rina smash every watermelon without much effort.

"Woo~ I think I'm done," Rina says as she takes off her blindfold to end up finding everyone huddling in a corner fearing that their lives will be like the watermelons. "What's wrong you guys? Stop shaking like newly born deer," Rina says, but not understanding that she's the reason why everyone is currently like this.

Everyone just stands there in shock. Today everyone fears Rina after seeing her skills as her past delinquent self being used on a watermelon. Never give her a wooden stick again.

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