43. Toss to the Libero!

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Sakura POV
(In the photography club)

After the training camp in Tokyo, we returned back to Karasuno and I went back to my usual days in the photography club. Yet compared to me, the boys in the volleyball team have been training harder ever since their trip to Tokyo. Seeing them try to improve their skills makes me want to do the same. I sort through the pictures in my camera which ended up taking all my camera's memory. Apparently, there are more than 1000 pictures. I sigh. I probably have to delete most of them. I go through the pictures in my camera's gallery and hear the door open.

I look up to see Tomoyo come in with a drink in her hand with earbuds in. "Tomoe's not coming today," she notifies Rina and sits down on the couch. She takes out her phone to watch some professional volleyball matches.

"That sucks," Sota mutters. "Tomoe's the only guy I can ever understand," Sota yawns as he stretches his arms.

"What are you talking about? You have me, don't you Sota?" Touya immediately comes over overhearing Sota's words. Sota frowns seeing the happy Touya with glimmering eyes similar to a puppy's to its owner.

"Not really," Sota bluntly answers and I watch Touya look as if a rock fell on his head. Touya sulks in a corner, depressed, with mushrooms growing there with evil spirits.

"Where's Tomoe?" Rina asks Tomoyo.

Tomoyo gives her an irritated look. "You're like a mom," Tomoyo mumbles and sits up. "Tomoe just went off to do some volunteer work with my older brother," she answers, trying to shrug it off as nothing and looks back at her phone.

"Tomoyo, if you're going to be here then do some errands for the photography club," Touya orders her from his corner, and Tomoyo sticks her tongue out.

"Don't feel like it~" she answers with no respect, much to Touya's annoyance.

"Why can't everyone just be nice like Sakura?!" Touya cries out and I flinch hearing his words.

"It's because she hasn't been around you enough," The three of them answer with a deadpan expression.

"Uh..." I'm speechless, and apparently that was the wrong thing to do because Touya turns to stone.

"Even Sakura...Kaiji-senpai, what have I done wrong?!" Touya vents out loud to himself.

"You should leave now," Sota whispers to me. I nod after seeing Touya the way he is now and take my things. I turn to Tomoyo. "Tomoyo, are you going to the gym?" I ask her ready to head to the gym to check on the boys' volleyball team.

Tomoyo shakes her head. "No," she answers without looking in my direction. "I've done everything I can to help them. Now the rest is up to them to practice, struggle, and learn," she tells me, crushing her empty drink.

"The way you say it makes it sound like you're a sadist," Sota comments with a chuckle and Tomoyo frowns at him.

"That's not true~" she pouts. "Natsu-sama taught me that anyone can grow, since there's always someone better than you. Besides, compared to her, I'm not as helpful. My skills aren't as good as Natsuki's."

"But didn't you go to the same school as Noya? What was the name again...? But isn't it a good school?" I try to think of the name, but Sota beats me to it.

"Chidoriyama Middle School," Sota says. "I went to the same school as them," Sota answers and Tomoyo grins.

"That's right! The powerhouse school. Noya is the best libero in this prefecture for sure," she points to the side of her head. "I'm good at observing people by figuring out their habits and thinking one step ahead of them as a setter, but my blocking skills aren't that bad either," she says with a subtle smile. "Yet I need to improve my other skills in order to play with Natsu-sama one day," she giggles. "Noya is the same. He has great skills as a libero, but there's always something to improve on," she shrugs, "I'm not worried about him though, he knows what he has to do."

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