Chapter 1

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This is the SEQUEL to "A Little Different (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)".
So you should REALLY read that book before reading this one, otherwise none of this is gonna make much sense.

Thank you all for supporting me, and thanks to you all, I felt I could make this book.
Right now this book doesn't have much direction, but then again- neither do any of my other ones.

I'll do my best.

Happy Reading~

Mipha's POV:

I was in my bed, holding Skittles the rabbit to my chest as I slept soundly, that was until thing began touching my head. I groaned, swatting the object away before hearing a low chuckle. It happened again, the gentle touch moving to my cheek before going back into my hair. I felt something warm begin to press and touch my forehead and cheeks. I tried to smack the thing away before my hand met the warmth of another body, making me open my eyes and squint at the blurry figure. 
I new that hair anywhere.

"Mmmm... morning Hunter..." I mumbled, rolling over before Hunter went to the other side of my bed and climbed in with me. He carressed my cheek before leaning forward and kissing my nose, then moving to my forehead and leaving short and quick kisses there and around my face.

"Good morning beautiful. Eda sent me up to wake you. We have the day off today, remember?" I hummed in response, just wanting to stay in the warmth of my bed and within Hunter's arms as he hugged me to him. 
"I don't wanna..." he laughed at me, poking my cheek before going and mercilessly tickling my sides. I squealed and screamed in laughter, begging for him to spare me before I let out a loud shriek that shook the house, stopping us both as the walls cracked.

"Woah... Did you do that?" He looked back to me, he was really worried.

"Maybe?" I questioned myself as we looked at the cracks in the walls. 

It's my magic. 
Ever since we returned to the Isles from the human realm last year, I've been struggling. I can turn to water and create tsunami's, create horrible typhoons and tornados, start fires, and destroy the earth around me. I don't understand what happened to me, but it's been hard. Nini and Mom think it's just a puberty thing but I'm not so sure...
I'm tired of not having full control. Uncle Dari has been trying to help me, but even then I just couldn't seem to control my own magic. 

We got up, me falling over and Hunter catching me as my legs were water and couldn't hold me. 
If all of me isn't transformed, I fall due to the weight my organic body has compared to the water.
"You ok?"
"This is getting frustrating, why can't I just be in control?! You mastered your teleporting!" Hunter sighed and picked me up, making me do the breathing trick as my legs returned to normal.
"Babe, my teleporting is different, I've been doing it for years, the way I do it is the only thing that has changed... You'll learn to control it"
"I'd rather be powerless at this point, I swear-" I grumbled, getting my footing and going to my closet and grabbing one of my old Human Realm outfits, jeans and a blue t shirt with the Austism symbol on it. Hunter smiled and watched me get changed.

"Have I mentioned how gorgeous you are?" he snickered as I rolled my eyes and began wrapping my chest. 
"You mention it often- have I ever mentioned how handsome you are?" I smirked as his face went bright red as I finished up and put the shirt on, then making quick work of changing into the jeans and putting my sneakers on.

We went downstairs, seeing Nini making food and mom just lounging on the couch.

"Hi mom, hi Nini" I waved, Nini waving me over for a hug and a kiss.

"Good morning sweetheart, human realm today?" I shook my head, burrying my face in their neck as they hummed and rubbed my back.
"I don't wanna hurt anyone..." I glanced up at Hunter, seeing him look at me with sadness in his eyes. He doesn't like it when I think I'm dangerous... but I am. 
"Owlet, listen- we're all getting used to how different magic is now that the Titan is dead, it's a learning curve"
"Besides, your magic IS elemental magic, you use the magic of the isles alongside the magic in your bile sack, it's an adjustment, a tough one, but you'll get through it" they kissed my head before letting me go. I whistled, Celeste coming down and perching on my shoulder, I scratched under her beak, watching her feathers puff out with a happy chitter from her. 

"Hey Blondie, my dad's coming by today to help Raine carve a palisman, you want one?"
"Mom!" I snarled as Hunter cleared his throat, making me worry about him.
"It's ok Mipha... It's almost been a year... I think I'm ready" he smiled, kissing my cheek as he looked back to mom.
"I'd love to... I'd also like to ask if I could maybe learn to carve different kinds for other people" I gasped, Hunter looking back at me with worried eyes.

"You're really gonna learn? You could-"
"Take the family business if you'd just marry my kid" mom snorted, Nini groaning and adjusting their glasses.
"Eda, they're too young. Mipha JUST turned 18, remember?" I nodded as mom scoffed and stood up, going to Hunter and smacking his back.

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