chapter 17: Semifinal

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The crowd was silent , the remaining combatants all present on the arena.

Their eyes locked on the the now towering woman in the stadium.

Denki and mineta were staring wide eyed and jaw dropped at the very visible backside of Mt lady.

Present Mic sighed while Damnd chuckled.
" Did she have to do this? " Damnd asked.

" Alright everyone , here our the semifinal brackets " she announced.

The billboard , which she was holding  in her arms , lit up and showed the semifinal matches.

Jin Kazama vs Jason badguy

Kastuki Bakugo vs Mashirou Ojiro 

Rin Takegami vs Juri Han

Rin turned to his opponent , and saw her already smirking at him.

Bakugo and Ojiro shared a silent nod at each other before returning to the stands.

Leaving the two opponents in the arena.

Jason and Jin stood opposite each other in the arena , awaiting Mt lady's signal to start.

The atmosphere around the arena shifted , as if the mere presence of the two was about to cause a storm.

Present Mic was surprisingly quiet.

Rin stared from his seat , noticing something.
On one side red lightning surged through Jin's body , on the other side hot flames and smoke surrounded Jason.

Mt lady almost forgot her role and immediately dropped her whip , beginning the fight.

The two fighters rushed at each other.

Jin's right fist collided with Jason's face , stunning him temporarily.
Jin continued his offence and deliver three quick punches. One hitting Jason's gut , the second hitting Jason's chest and the last one hitting Jason square in the face.

Jason was forced back , he looked up and smirked before stomping on the ground. The stomp caused the arena to shake , causing Jin to lose balance and get distracted.

Jason ran forward and delivered a powerful kick which caused Jin to fall back.

The lighting fighter rolled back once before stopping and looking up , only to get grabbed by his neck and lifted off the ground.

Jason glared at Jin before headbutting him Hard , and then Slamming to the ground even harder.
Jin's body ricocheted off the floor , and Jason continued by forcing Jin back to the ground with a flaming left punch.

Not wasting any time , Jin pushed Jason away and sprung back to his feet.

The two glared at each other before rushing again.

On the seats Rin watched closely , surprised by the amount of aggression that both fighters were showing and using in each of their attacks.

He wondered if there was a history between the two , but immediately brushed it off knowing better than to assume.

(" From the previous matches Jin had fought like martial artist , except during his devil transformation ")
Rin analyzed in his head.
(" While Jason fought like a brute , showing no form in his stance and using powerful blows that could knock out once ")

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